PoE Trial of The Ancestors Release Date Patch Notes Rewards Guide

Trial of The Ancestors Release Date

The name of the new season is Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors. In this expansion, you will visit the Karui afterlife and defeat ten tribes in a series of tournaments to earn valuable new rewards.

The release date of PoE 3.22 is August 18, 2023. The new league introduces the Trial of the Ancestors challenge league, 16 new Atlas keystones, reworks of the Guardian and Chieftain Ascendancy classes, 14 new support gems and the return of a fan-favourite past league, The Forbidden Sanctum.

The end date of PoE Crucible 3.21 league is August 15, 2023.

PoE 3.22 Release Date

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The Ancestor Challenge League

  • Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy. All of your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new leagues, complete challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile!
  • In the Ancestor Challenge League, you'll visit the Karui afterlife and defeat ten tribes in a series of tournaments to earn valuable new rewards.
  • As you play through the league, you'll find tradeable Silver coins which are used to gain passage to the Karui Afterlife. You'll start out with a basic team of three Karui warriors to enter the Trial of the Ancestors.
  • In each match, you can select which tribe to compete against, based on the reward offered. You can examine the battlefield configuration of the enemy team and strategically place your warriors to challenge theirs. Then you and your party will compete alongside your warriors to destroy the opposing team's totems and win the match.
  • When you compete in tournaments, you'll accumulate favour with each of the tribes. This can be spent on recruiting warriors and purchasing field items and equipment to power up your team. Each tribe has their own specialities and you can mix and match warriors from different tribes to build a team that embodies your strategy.
  • For more information about this expansion, check out pathofexile.com/ancestor
  • With 3.22.0, there are Standard, Hardcore, Solo Self-Found and Ruthless variations of the Ancestor challenge league available. They have the same core mechanics and items. You can create private league versions of these leagues, with mods that make the game harder.
  • The new Ancestor challenge league includes a set of 40 new challenges, and 8 new challenges in Ruthless Ancestor. There are microtransaction rewards for completing challenges that are only obtainable in this league. These rewards will be revealed in an upcoming news post.

Trial of the Ancestors challenge league patch notes guide

The August expansion introduces the Trial of the Ancestors challenge league, 16 new Atlas keystones, reworks of the Guardian and Chieftain Ascendancy classes, 14 new support gems and the return of a fan-favourite past league, The Forbidden Sanctum.

PoE Trial of the Ancestors

The fallen chieftains of each Karui tribe participate in a tournament called the Trial of the Ancestors. You will journey to their Afterlife to compete against these tribes by assembling your own team of Karui warriors. You'll battle their chieftains in the tournament to earn valuable rewards.

Silver Coin

As you play through areas on the Ancestor challenge league, you'll find tradable silver coins. Using them will take you to the Karui Afterlife where you will encounter Navali who you may remember from the prophecy League. Each Silver Coin allows you to play a match in the tournament.

PoE Silver Coin 3.22

The tournament has double elimination. It means you're allowed to have one loss without consequence a second loss eliminates you from the tournament.

Assemble your own team

You'll start out with a basic team of three Karui warriors to enter the Trial of the Ancestors. In each match, you can select which tribe to compete against, based on the reward offered. You can examine the battlefield configuration of the enemy team and strategically place your warriors to challenge theirs. Then you and your party will compete alongside your warriors to destroy the opposing team's totems and win the match.

PoE Trial of the Ancestors

Your team will compete against 10 other tribes and you choose who you're going to challenge. When you start a match, you see the configuration of the enemy team and get to place your team of warriors on the battlefield. You and your party of exiles will play alongside your warriors.


This league does have many elements of an auto battler. They're fighting alongside them during a match. When a warrior dies, they respawn at their totem. After a short time, if their totem is destroyed, then they are instantly killed and can't respawn.

PoE Trial of the Ancestors

The team that destroys all of the opposing totems wins. If you're playing a hardcore character, though don't worry, Hinekora is watching over you and will restore your soul to your body. So you can't permanently die in the afterlife.

Strategy and Tactics

In the Trial of the Ancestors, strategy and tactics are key. Every unit has its own strengths and weaknesses that must be utilized to win matches.

Turtle(Tank). The Turtle is really slow and really tanky. It's perfect for either defensive positioning to stop flankers or offensive positioning to tank hits for you if you're pushing through the middle. It's not great in the center or flank positions due to its slow movement speed.

Tuatara(Balanced). Tuatara is a quick and deceptive unit that is relatively well-balanced for all positions. This version of the Tuatara has a stealth ability which makes it perfect for the flanking position to sneak through enemy defenses and take out unprotected totems from the side.

Goliath of Night(Disrupter). The Goliath of night is a disrupter unit. It is ideally placed in a center position to intercept enemies that are chasing you. You can also allocate it to defenses so that it disrupts enemies that are trying to kill your totems by stunning them.

So in this match here, we've set up a tuatara in a flanking position. A turtle on defense to guard our totems and a Goliath for the followers as we attack up the middle. Our plan is to work with the Goliath that distracts the enemy front line. So the flanking Tuatara can get through and destroy some of their totems.

Trial of the Ancestors Rewards


When you compete in tournaments, you'll accumulate favour with each of the tribes. This can be spent on recruiting warriors and purchasing field items and equipment to power up your team. Each tribe has their own specialities and you can mix and match warriors from different tribes to build a team that embodies your strategy.

Field Items & Equipment

Field Items are items that are placed on the battlefield. It can be activated during the match. For example, revive Warrior or heal your entire team.

PoE Field Items

If a field item isn't consumed within a match, it persists onto the next match. But your warriors, their equipment, and your field items are all wiped between tournaments. You enter each tournament fresh. Your success in the tournament updates your overall ranking which helps you earn better rewards.

Passive Skill Tattoos

You earn rewards for each match you win. In addition to a selection of regular items that may be offered, there are some exclusive new rewards that you can only get from the Trial of the Ancestors. Passive Tree Tattoos are one such reward. These are not applied to your skin but are instead engraved on your soul. Applying your tattoo will change what the attribute skills on your passive tree do.

List of Passive Skill Tattoos. Example:

Name Icon Description How to use?
Tattoo of the Ngamahu Firewalker Replaces a Small Strength Passive Skill
Grants "+8% to Fire Resistance"
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.
Loyalty Tattoo of Utula Replaces a Small Strength Passive Skill
Grants "Trigger level 20 Summon Spirit of Utula on taking a Savage Hit from a Unique Enemy"
Limit 1 Loyalty Tattoo
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.
Tattoo of the Ramako Scout Replaces a Small Dexterity Passive Skill
Grants "2% increased Movement Speed"
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.
Tattoo of the Valako Storm Conduit Replaces a Small Intelligence Passive Skill
Grants "Adds 1 to 7 Lightning Damage"
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.
Honoured Tattoo of the Hatungo Replaces a Small Attribute Passive Skill
Grants "1% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills"
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.
Honoured Tattoo of the Wise Man Replaces a +30 to Intelligence Notable Passive Skill
Grants "+1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems"
Limit 1 Notable Tattoo per Attribute
Stack Size: 1/10. Right click this item then left click a valid Passive Skill.

PoE Passive Skill Tattoos

Omen & Hinekora's Lock

If you win the entire tournament, Hinekora can also offer you a new type of item called an Omen. They can be stored in your inventory until a condition is met, at which point it is consumed and its effect occurs. You can only consume one Omen per combat area. She may also offer a lock of her hair, which allows you to foresee the result of an item crafting outcome. Example:

Name Icon Description Note
Omen of Return On Death, this Omen is consumed and a Portal to Town is created Each player can only consume one Omen in each combat area.
Omen of Refreshment Upon reaching 25% Life, this Omen is consumed and Flasks recover all Charges Each player can only consume one Omen in each combat area.
Omen of the Soul Devourer On Leveling Up, this Omen is consumed and you gain Soul Eater Each player can only consume one Omen in each combat area.
Omen of Fortune On using an Orb of Chance on an item, it will become Unique if possible
and this Omen will be consumed
Each player can only consume one Omen in each combat area.
Hinekora's Lock Hinekora's Lock Allows an item to foresee the result of the next Currency item used on it
Modifying the item in any way removes the ability to foresee
Stack Size: 1/10
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it.

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