PoE The Scintillating Flame: Defeat The Searing Exarch

The Scintillating Flame

Defeat The Searing Exarch

The Searing Exarch is one of the Eldritch Horrors. Defeating The Searing Exarch for the first time will drop an Omniscient Voidstone that can be socketed into the Atlas.

Any item with a Searing Exarch implicit modifier has a red symbol on its header.

Some items that are not Elder/Shaper/Conqueror Influenced can obtain a Searing Exarch implicit modifier by using one of the several Eldritch Ember currencies. You can use the currencies on Fractured item without any restriction. You can also use the currencies on Synthesised item but they will delete the Synthesised implicit, replacing it with the Searing Exarch implicit.

Location(s) Absence of Patience and Wisdom
Quest(s) The Searing Exarch
Resistance(s) 50% Fire
50% Cold
50% Lightning
30% Chaos
Modifier(s) Cannot Be Fully Slowed
Immune To Knockback


See also: The Searing Exarch (quest)

Players must use the Incandescent Invitation in their map device to fight Searing Exarch. The invitation drops after defeating The Black Star and following the quest steps.

After finishing the The Searing Exarch quest, tradeable versions of the Incandescent Invitation will drop by the boss in the 28th T14+ Map which is influenced by the Searing Exarch. This can be repeated every subsequent 28 maps.

The arena is called Absence of Patience and Wisdom.


  • Default attack – 75% of Physical Damage converted to Fire.
  • Flame Wall – “Disintegration!” – casts a long Flame Wall
    • Push Flame Wall – “Cleansing!” – causes the Flame Wall to move in a straight line away.
  • Mortar – “Annihilation!” – casts a channeled version of Blazing Salvo that can turn while casting.
  • Lantern Explosion – “Incineration!” – charges up for a short duration, unleashing a very large AOE of Fire that bypasses Block/Dodge. The charge-up indicator AOE is slightly larger than the actual hit.
  • Rolling Meteor Wall – “The fires of a thousand suns!” – becomes invulnerable, unleashing 4~16 lines of Rolling Meteors across the arena. The Maven will destroy 4~10 Rolling Meteors per line (depending on the total number of lines) to give the player a gap to dodge the line. This skill always Ignites.
  • Searing Rune – Tiled rune patterns move across the arena causing players standing on them to receive two debuffs:
    • Cauterised Flesh: You have -5% maximum Fire Resistance and your Travel Skills have 50% reduced Cooldown Recovery Speed. Persists for 10 seconds after moving off
    • Searing Rune: Deals Fire Damage over time and prevents recovery of Life or Energy Shield. Applies while standing on the rune.


  • Logging out during the Rolling Meteor phase will usually cause the phase to restart. Leaving the arena or dying during this phase may also cause the Exarch’s animations to bug out, rendering it invisible.
  • Minions such as Summon Skeletons, Totems, and Frost Wall can be used to body block Rolling Meteors, causing the meteors to be destroyed. Note that it will cause an AOE explosion which may still hit the character if not far enough away.
  • Teleportation movement skills (like Flame Dash) allow players to pass through Rolling Meteor walls without taking damage.
  • Avoid rolling the Buffered13% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area, 8% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area, Monsters gain (40-49)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield (Prefix) invitation mod, as the boss will recharge to full Energy Shield if the player fails to consecutively hit the boss or during immunity phases such as the Rolling Meteor Wall Phase. This mod will significantly increase the effective health of the boss and is not recommended for builds with low damage.

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The Searing Exarch

Resists Fire. Resists Cold. Resists Lightning. Resists Chaos.
Area: Absence of Patience and Wisdom

Pinnacle Atlas Boss
monster dropped item rarity +% [15000]
monster slain experience +% [100]
Action Speed cannot be modified to below 70% of base value
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Cannot be Knocked Back
Spectre N


Absence of Patience and Wisdom
Tags caster, cleaving_weapon, eldritch_pinnacle_boss, fire_affinity, flesh_armour, is_unarmed, medium_movement, melee, not_str, physical_affinity, red_blood, unique_map_boss
  • Life: 1430%
  • Energy Shield From Life: 50%
  • Evasion: +50%
  • Ailment Threshold: 301%
  • Resistance: (Resists Fire: 15/30/50) (Resists Cold: 15/30/50) (Resists Lightning: 15/30/50) (Resists Chaos: 7/20/30)
  • Damage: 260%
  • Accuracy: 100%
  • Critical Strike Chance: +5%
  • Critical Strike Multiplier: +130%
  • Attack Distance: 4 ~ 20
  • Attack Time: 1.5 Second
  • Damage Spread: ±0%
  • Experience: 200%
  • Model Size: 100%
  • Type: AtlasInvadersCleansingBoss
  • Metadata: CleansingBoss

Level 85

The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses(ex: Thirst for Knowledge -70% damage taken).

  • Life: 44,750,522
  • Armour: 17,268
  • Evasion: 12,582
  • Energy Shield: 8,634
  • Damage: 2,988
  • Spell Damage: 4,460
  • Accuracy: 559
  • Attack Time: 1.005
  • Experience: 146,872
  • Ailment Threshold: 4,427,172
  • Chill: 13,999
  • Shock: 13,999
  • Brittle: 79,198
  • Scorch: 13,999
  • Sap: 38,676

The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).


Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Default Attack
Base Damage: 5931
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 75%
Attack Time: 1.5 Second

Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.

Deals 25% less Attack Damage
Deals 200% more Damage
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]


Cooldown Time: 10 Second

action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]


Cooldown Time: 22 Second

action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]


Spell, Movement
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 1.333 Second
Cooldown Time: 3 Second

leap slam minimum distance [60]
spell maximum action distance +% [-50]
walk emerge extra distance [10]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 8 times
Deals 7571 to 11356 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [2500]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [6]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Spell, Damage, Fire, Area
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 2.5 Second
Cooldown Time: 15 Second

Deals 8755 to 13133 Fire Damage
is area damage [1]


Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 2 Second
Cooldown Time: 1 Second


Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, AreaSpell
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Cast Time: 1 Second

Generic monster mortar skill. Like Monster Projectile but has an impact effect.

Deals 1145 to 1717 Physical Damage
Deals 120% more Damage
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
20% chance to Ignite enemies
Penetrates 15% Fire Resistance
active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
number of projectiles override [3]
projectile spread radius [40]
projectile uses contact position [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]



Deals 24903 to 37354 Fire Damage
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-75]
voll slam damage +% final at centre [300]


Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 5931
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 150%
Attack Time: 1.5 Second

Deals 50% more Attack Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
is area damage [1]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 12 times
Deals 7571 to 11356 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [1500]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [7]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 16 times
Deals 7571 to 11356 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [1000]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [8]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 17 times
Deals 7571 to 11356 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [900]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [9]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 18 times
Deals 7571 to 11356 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [800]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [10]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Spell, Multicastable, Triggerable
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 1 Second

alternate minion [610]
minion dies when parent deleted [1]
minion dies when parent dies [1]
monster no drops or experience [1]
number of monsters to summon [1]
summoned monsters are minions [1]



Base duration is 10 seconds
Deals 24903 to 37354 Fire Damage
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-75]
voll slam damage +% final at centre [300]

Level 84

The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses(ex: Thirst for Knowledge -70% damage taken).

  • Life: 42,002,733
  • Armour: 16,265
  • Evasion: 12,180
  • Energy Shield: 8,133
  • Damage: 2,823
  • Spell Damage: 4,213
  • Accuracy: 538
  • Attack Time: 1.005
  • Experience: 145,750
  • Ailment Threshold: 4,155,333
  • Chill: 13,139
  • Shock: 13,139
  • Brittle: 74,335
  • Scorch: 13,139
  • Sap: 36,301

The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).


Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Default Attack
Base Damage: 5604
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 75%
Attack Time: 1.5 Second

Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.

Deals 25% less Attack Damage
Deals 200% more Damage
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]


Cooldown Time: 10 Second

action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]


Cooldown Time: 22 Second

action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]


Spell, Movement
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 1.333 Second
Cooldown Time: 3 Second

leap slam minimum distance [60]
spell maximum action distance +% [-50]
walk emerge extra distance [10]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 8 times
Deals 7122 to 10683 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [2500]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [6]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Spell, Damage, Fire, Area
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 2.5 Second
Cooldown Time: 15 Second

Deals 3308 to 4962 Fire Damage
is area damage [1]


Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 2 Second
Cooldown Time: 1 Second


Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, AreaSpell
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Cast Time: 1 Second

Generic monster mortar skill. Like Monster Projectile but has an impact effect.

Deals 1095 to 1642 Physical Damage
Deals 60% more Damage
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
20% chance to Ignite enemies
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
number of projectiles override [1]
projectile spread radius [30]
projectile uses contact position [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]



Deals 23191 to 34786 Fire Damage
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-75]
voll slam damage +% final at centre [300]


Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 5604
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 150%
Attack Time: 1.5 Second

Deals 50% more Attack Damage
50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
is area damage [1]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 12 times
Deals 7122 to 10683 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [1500]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [7]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 16 times
Deals 7122 to 10683 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [1000]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [8]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 17 times
Deals 7122 to 10683 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [900]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [9]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Cooldown Time: 75 Second

Hits always Ignite
Spell Repeats 18 times
Deals 7122 to 10683 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
cleansing fire delay between spawns ms [800]
cleansing fire maven projectiles to destroy [10]
cleansing fire projectile move delay ms [2000]
number of projectiles override [20]
trigger spawners time between max ms [1500]
trigger spawners time between min ms [500]


Spell, Multicastable, Triggerable
Critical Strike Chance: 0%
Cast Time: 1 Second

alternate minion [610]
minion dies when parent deleted [1]
minion dies when parent dies [1]
monster no drops or experience [1]
number of monsters to summon [1]
summoned monsters are minions [1]



Base duration is 10 seconds
Deals 23191 to 34786 Fire Damage
cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-75]
voll slam damage +% final at centre [300]

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