PoE The Maven interferes with Players

The Maven interferes with Players: This causes the Maven to follow the player, casting skills it usually uses while witnessing map bosses when the player is near an enemy.

The "The Maven interferes with Players" is a map modifier in Path of Exile that introduces the Maven into the map experience in a more disruptive way. Here's how it affects your gameplay:

Maven's Intrusion:

  • Active Chaser: With this modifier, the Maven actively follows you throughout the map, unlike her usual role of observing from afar.

  • Hostile Casting: The Maven will cast the same skills she typically uses while witnessing map bosses, but now she targets you directly. These skills can be quite powerful and pose a significant threat.

What to Expect:

  • Increased Difficulty: The presence of the Maven adds another layer of challenge as you'll need to contend with her attacks alongside the regular map dangers.

  • Dodging and Positioning: Be mindful of the Maven's location and her spellcasting animations. Utilize movement skills and strategic positioning to dodge her attacks.

Strategies for Dealing with the Maven:

  • Burst Damage: If possible, try to focus some damage on the Maven whenever you have an opportunity. While you can't directly kill her, dealing enough damage can temporarily force her to retreat and stop casting for a brief period.

  • Prioritization: While dodging the Maven's attacks, prioritize clearing out regular enemies first. This reduces the overall threat and allows you to focus on the Maven when necessary.

  • Defensive Measures: Fortifying your defenses, especially against elemental damage types the Maven commonly uses, can help you survive her attacks for longer.

  • Teamwork: If playing in a party, coordinate your attacks. One player can focus on drawing the Maven's attention while others prioritize clearing regular enemies.


This modifier significantly alters the dynamic of map exploration, forcing you to be more aware of your surroundings and strategically manage both the Maven's attacks and the regular map threats. By adapting your tactics and potentially working together in a party, you can navigate the challenges presented by the Maven's interference.

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