PoE Slaying Enemies In A Kill Streak Grants Rampage Bonuses

Rampage is a kill streak mechanic that provides rewards for killing increasing numbers of enemies without stopping. The rampage effect is only available for characters equipping certain items.

Unleashing your inner warrior and racking up eliminations in quick succession is definitely a recipe for reaping powerful rewards! Here are some creative ways to frame the "Rampage bonuses" earned through kill streaks:


  • Domination Surge: Each fallen foe fuels your righteous fury, granting you increased attack power and resilience.
  • Unstoppable Momentum: Your mastery of combat grows with each takedown, unlocking new combat maneuvers and tactical options.
  • Echoes of Triumph: The battlefield sings your praises! With each eliminated foe, your presence becomes more intimidating, striking fear into the hearts of your remaining adversaries.


  • Combo Catalyst: Every vanquished opponent fuels your tactical brilliance, unlocking devastating combo attacks and strategic maneuvers.
  • Adaptive Arsenal: Your prowess unlocks new facets of your arsenal with each takedown, granting access to diverse weaponry and combat styles.
  • Battlefield Awareness: The carnage unveils the battlefield’s secrets. With each fallen enemy, you gain deeper insights into enemy formations and hidden pathways.


  • Spirits of War: The souls of your conquered foes bolster your own, granting you supernatural strength and otherworldly abilities.
  • Fury’s Embrace: As the battle rages, you tap into a primal wellspring of power, unleashing devastating attacks and bolstering your defenses.
  • Woven Fate: Each eliminated opponent strengthens the threads of your destiny, granting you glimpses of future victories and guiding your path through the chaos.

Remember, the most impactful framing will depend on the specific tone and setting of your game. Choose the option that best complements your world and resonates with your players!

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