PoE Should I Keep Uniques

Deciding whether to keep a unique item in Path of Exile depends on several factors:

1. Your Build and Needs:

  • Does the unique synergize with your build? Some uniques have powerful effects specifically meant for certain builds. If it fits your build perfectly, it’s likely worth keeping.
  • Does it offer stats you lack? If you find a unique with valuable stats you couldn’t afford on rares, even if it doesn’t perfectly align with your build, it could be a temporary solution.
  • Is it an upgrade over your current gear? Compare the unique’s stats to your existing equipment. If it’s a clear upgrade, consider keeping it.

2. Uniqueness and Rarity:

  • How rare is the unique? Some uniques are very common and easily replaced. Keeping them might not be necessary.
  • Is it part of a set or collection? Completing sets can offer powerful bonuses or achievements. Keeping relevant uniques is important for that goal.
  • Does it have historical significance or sentimental value? Some players keep their first unique found or specific ones with memories attached. It’s a personal choice.

3. Trade Market and Currency:

  • Can you sell it for a good price? Check the trade market to see if the unique is valuable and in demand. Selling it might benefit your character progression more than keeping it.
  • Do you need currency instead? If you’re low on currency and need resources, selling the unique can be a good option.
  • Are you playing SSF (Solo Self-Found)? In SSF, trading isn’t possible, so keeping even less valuable uniques can be useful for future builds or needs.

Additional Tips:

  • Use online resources: Check Path of Exile wiki and trade websites for information on unique item stats, rarity, and trade value.
  • Don’t hoard unnecessarily: Clutter your stash can hinder your organization and decision-making. Regularly assess your uniques and make informed choices.
  • Prioritize fun and enjoyment: Ultimately, the choice is yours. If keeping a unique brings you joy or serves a purpose, even if not the "most optimal" one, go for it!

Remember, this is just a guideline. Adapt it to your specific situation and playstyle for the best decisions in your Path of Exile adventure!

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