PoE Scarabs Not Being Used

There are several reasons why your scarabs might not be working in Path of Exile. Here’s a breakdown of the possibilities and troubleshooting steps:

1. Atlas Passives:

  • Stream of Consciousness or Growing Hordes: These Atlas passives override scarab effects. Instead, they grant increased pack size, negating the scarab’s influence.
  • Missing Required Passives: Certain scarabs require specific Atlas passives to function properly. For example, the "Legion’s Carver" scarab needs investment in the "Legions Domain" passive to guarantee Legion encounters.

2. Map Bugs:

  • Certain Maps: Some maps might have bugs that prevent them from spawning encounters tied to scarabs. Reef maps are known for not spawning Abysses even with Abyss scarabs.

3. Scarab Functionality:

  • Scarab Type: Scarabs have varying effects. Some guarantee encounters (e.g., Gilded Scarabs), while others increase the chance (e.g., Polished Scarabs). Not finding an encounter doesn’t necessarily mean the scarab is broken.
  • Scarab Consumption: Double-check that the scarab was actually consumed by the Map Device. It should disappear from your inventory after placing it in the device with the map.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. Check Atlas Passives: Ensure you haven’t allocated Stream of Consciousness or Growing Hordes and that you have the necessary passives for your scarab.
  2. Try Different Maps: Run the same scarab in a different map layout to rule out map-specific bugs.
  3. Use Higher Tier Scarabs: If using a Polished Scarab (increased chance), try a Gilded Scarab (guaranteed encounter) for better confirmation.
  4. Verify Consumption: Double-check that the scarab disappeared from your inventory after placing it in the Map Device.

Additional Tips:

  • Scarab Placement: The order you place scarabs in the Map Device doesn’t affect their functionality.
  • Visual Confirmation: Some scarab effects (like increased monster density) might be subtle. Pay attention to the map layout and enemy behavior for signs of the scarab’s influence.

If you’ve tried these steps and the scarab still isn’t working, consider:

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