PoE Scarab Stash Tab

You don’t need a specific scarab stash tab in Path of Exile. Scarabs are stored in the Fragment Stash Tab.

Here’s why the Fragment Stash Tab is suitable for scarabs:

  • Designed for Stackable Currency: The Fragment Stash Tab is specifically designed to hold stackable currency items like scarabs. This allows you to efficiently store a large number of scarabs without wasting space.
  • Dedicated Sub-Tab: The Fragment Stash Tab has a dedicated sub-tab specifically for scarabs. This helps you easily organize and identify your scarab collection.
  • Other Fragment Storage: The Fragment Stash Tab also holds other valuable map-related items like map fragments, Breach blessings, and invitations. This makes it a convenient one-stop shop for managing your endgame mapping resources.

How to Access Scarabs in Fragment Stash Tab:

  1. Purchase the Fragment Stash Tab from the in-game store for 75 points (subject to change).
  2. Open your stash tabs.
  3. Click on the "Fragment" tab.
  4. Switch to the "Scarabs" sub-tab to view and manage your scarab collection.

Alternative Storage (Less Efficient):

While not ideal, you can also store scarabs in a regular Currency Tab. However, this method is less efficient because:

  • No Stacking Visualization: Currency Tabs don’t show the total quantity of stacked items. You’ll need to manually check the stack size for each scarab type.
  • Limited Space: Currency Tabs have limited space compared to the dedicated sub-tab in the Fragment Stash Tab.

For these reasons, the Fragment Stash Tab is the preferred option for storing and managing scarabs in Path of Exile.

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