PoE Scarab Not Working

There are a couple of reasons why your scarab might not be working in Path of Exile:

1. Atlas Passives:

  • Stream of Consciousness or Growing Hordes: These Atlas passives override scarab effects and instead grant increased pack size.
  • Missing Required Passives: Some scarabs require specific Atlas passives to function. For instance, the "Legion’s Carver" scarab needs investment in the "Legions Domain" passive to guarantee Legion encounters.

2. Map Bugs:

  • Certain Maps: Some maps might be bugged and not spawn encounters tied to scarabs. Reef maps are notorious for not spawning Abysses even with Abyss scarabs.

3. Scarab Functionality:

  • Scarab Type: Scarabs have varying effects. Some guarantee encounters (e.g., Gilded Scarabs), while others increase the chance (e.g., Polished Scarabs). Not finding an encounter doesn’t necessarily mean the scarab is broken.
  • Scarab Consumption: Double-check that the scarab was actually consumed by the Map Device. It should disappear from your inventory after placing it in the device.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Check Atlas Passives: Ensure you haven’t allocated Stream of Consciousness or Growing Hordes and that you have the necessary passives for your scarab.
  • Try Different Maps: Run the same scarab in a different map layout to rule out map-specific bugs.
  • Use Higher Tier Scarabs: If using a Polished Scarab (increased chance), try a Gilded Scarab (guaranteed encounter) for better confirmation.
  • Verify Consumption: Double-check that the scarab disappeared from your inventory after placing it in the Map Device.

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