PoE Scarab Explosion

The term "scarab explosion" in Path of Exile doesn’t refer to a specific scarab effect, but rather a powerful phenomenon related to certain monster modifiers and scarab interactions. Here’s a breakdown:

Monster Modifier: "Dropped Items are Converted to Scarabs"

This Archnemesis modifier (introduced in Path of Exile: Sentinel league) has a chance to convert dropped items on monster death into scarabs. The rarity of the original item determines the scarab rarity:

  • Normal: Rusted Scarab
  • Magic: Polished Scarab
  • Rare: Gilded Scarab
  • Unique: Winged Scarab

Scarab Explosion:

When a monster with this modifier is defeated, especially a high-rarity monster (like a Ghosted Beast) that drops multiple items, it can trigger a "scarab explosion." This means a large number of scarabs are generated at once, depending on the number and rarity of the converted items.

Additional Factors:

  • Another Archnemesis Modifier: "Rare Dropped Items are One Rarity Higher": When this modifier is combined with "Converted to Scarabs," it can lead to even more scarab explosions. Here’s why:
    • All rare items would convert into unique items.
    • These unique items would then further convert into Winged Scarabs, resulting in a massive explosion.


  • Scarab explosions are a great way to farm a large quantity of scarabs, especially Winged Scarabs, which are valuable for endgame content.


  • It requires encountering monsters with the right combination of Archnemesis modifiers.
  • Not all maps or encounters guarantee these specific modifiers.

Video Examples:

You can find videos showcasing scarab explosions on YouTube by searching for terms like "POE Scarab Bomb" or "POE Loot Explosion." These videos will give you a visual representation of the phenomenon.

Important Note:

While powerful, the strategy of relying solely on scarab explosions might not be the most consistent farming method. Consider this as a bonus when encountering the right modifiers, but focus on established scarab farming techniques alongside it.

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