PoE Sacred Infusion

Nameless Shrine buffs

Some mechanics grant 5 minute buffs that are retained upon exiting the Wildwood:

  • Sacred Infusion: You have increased Action Speed, Size, Area of Effect, and Damage, and cannot be Damaged

The Sacred Infusion buff in Path of Exile, especially in its "cannot be damaged" form, can be incredibly powerful and transformative for a short period of time. Here's what you need to know:


  • Increased Action Speed: This makes you move, attack, and cast spells considerably faster, essentially letting you zip around the battlefield like a whirling dervish.
  • Increased Size: You become physically larger, potentially granting you access to previously unreachable areas and increasing your visual presence.
  • Increased Area of Effect: Your skills and attacks cover a wider area, allowing you to hit more enemies or affect a larger zone with each action.
  • Increased Damage: Your overall damage output significantly rises, making you a force to be reckoned with against even the toughest foes.
  • Cannot be Damaged: This, for the duration of the buff, renders you completely immune to all forms of damage, making you essentially invincible.

Strategic Uses:

  • Boss Rush: Utilize Sacred Infusion to quickly conquer difficult bosses or clear difficult map tiers where your usual defenses wouldn't hold up.
  • Speed Clear Mapping: Use the increased action speed and damage to blitz through maps at breakneck pace, maximizing your loot acquisition.
  • Tough Encounter Survival: Pop the buff before taking on challenging encounters with powerful enemies or environmental hazards.
  • Exploration Potential: The increased size and invincibility can help you reach hidden areas or explore dangerous zones without fear of harm.


  • Duration: Remember, the Sacred Infusion only lasts for five minutes, so make the most of it during that time.
  • Activation Condition: Finding and activating a Nameless Shrine for the Sacred Infusion takes time and luck.
  • Alternative Buffs: Other Nameless Shrines offer potent alternative buffs like Ancient Wisdom (increased experience) or Dark Gift (increased item rarity and quantity). Choose wisely based on your current needs.

Overall, the Sacred Infusion is a powerful tool that can turn the tide of battle or enhance your exploration in the Viridian Wildwood. Use it strategically, and you'll reap the rewards of its potent effects!

Additional Tips:

  • Utilize Atlas Passives and Wildwood Scarabs that increase the chance of encountering Nameless Shrines.
  • Coordinate the Sacred Infusion with other buffs or consumables for even greater effect.
  • Consider crafting gear or using skills that further boost your action speed, damage, or area of effect to complement the buff's bonuses.

Remember, Exiles, use the Sacred Infusion wisely and conquer the challenges that await!

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