PoE Regex Or

PoE Regex Or


For example: Item Level 1-78.

"item level: ([1-9]$|[1-6][0-9]$|7[0-8])"

The "|" Operator in Regex:

  • Represents logical "or" within a regex pattern.
  • Allows matching multiple options within a single expression.

Applications in Path of Exile:

  • Trade Search: Filter items based on alternative mod options, like life rolls or resistance values. (e.g., (+\d{3,4}% Life|%\d{1,2} Life Regen).*Ring)
  • Stash Organization: Categorize items based on different crafting base options. (e.g., (Hunter Bow|Sambar Gloves).*)
  • Information Extraction: Extract specific data from in-game text based on multiple possibilities. (e.g., (Area contains|Map has):\s+(.+\d{2,3}%) Increased Item Rarity)


  • Use the "|" operator ethically and avoid automating critical decisions or market manipulation.
  • Focus on filtering information or categorizing items for easier management.
  • Contribute to the community by sharing your regex patterns for ethical purposes like crafting analysis or tool development.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing ethical applications, you can leverage the "or" operator within regex to enhance your Path of Exile experience without compromising fair play or community values.

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