PoE Regex Map Mods

PoE Regex Map Mods

Common, potentially scary map mods players may want to avoid, depending on their build.

No Elemental Reflect

"!tal d"

No Physical Reflect

""!f ph""

No Cannot Regen


No Cannot Leech


Or some map mods players may desire:

Rare Monsters each have a Nemesis Mod X% more Rare Monsters


Slaying Enemies close together has a X% chance to attract monsters from Beyond


Area contains two Unique Bosses


Magic Monster Packs each have a Bloodline Mod X% more Magic Monsters


Slaying Enemies close together has a X% chance to attract monsters from Beyond


Maps with Favorable Juicing Affixes


40%+ Monster Pack Size

"yi|neme|two|packs|rog|tot" "iz.*([4-9]\d|\d{3})"

30 Monster Quantity+

"m q.*([3-9]\d|\d{3})"

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Understanding Regex for Map Mods:

  • Regex (Regular Expressions) create patterns to match specific text strings, including map modifiers.
  • Goal: Filter maps based on desired or undesired mods, aiding decision-making and organization.
  • Challenge: Regex syntax varies depending on tool or website.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Prioritize fair gameplay. Avoid using regex for botting, automated trading, or market manipulation.
  • Focus on analysis and information extraction, not dictating actions or automating decisions.
  • Share regex patterns responsibly for ethical purposes, such as crafting analysis or tool development.

Tools and Approaches:

  1. POE.RE:
    • Online tool with preset regex patterns for map mods.
    • Copy and paste into trade sites or tools that support regex.
  2. Trade Macros:
    • Some trade macros (Awakened PoE.Trade) have regex functionality for map mod filtering.
    • Refer to their documentation or community resources for usage.
  3. Website Search:
    • Path of Exile trade websites often have built-in map mod filters, potentially reducing the need for manual regex.
  4. Trade Tool Filters:
    • Tools like Exilence Next might offer map mod filtering options without requiring direct regex knowledge.

General Tips:

  • Start Simple: Begin with basic patterns for common mods (e.g., "Area contains Players cannot Regenerate Life").
  • Experiment and Refine: Test patterns in a safe environment (e.g., RegExr.com) before applying them to trade or in-game tools.
  • Combine Patterns: Use multiple regex patterns for more complex filtering.
  • Visual Inspection: Always double-check results to ensure accuracy, as regex patterns can have unintended matches.
  • Community Resources: Consult Path of Exile forums, Discord servers, or community-driven websites for shared regex patterns and discussions.


  • Use regex responsibly to enhance your Path of Exile experience without compromising fair play or community values.
  • Contribute to the community by sharing ethical regex patterns and promoting knowledge sharing.

Feel free to ask further questions about specific map mod filtering scenarios or ethical considerations. I’m always here to assist you in exploring regex within Path of Exile responsibly!

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