PoE Regex Crafting

Crafting regex for Path of Exile crafting can be both rewarding and challenging. Here’s how to approach it responsibly and effectively:

Understanding Regex for Crafting:

  1. Target: Create patterns to match specific gear properties, like affixes, tiers, or rolls. Capture groups can extract key details for further analysis.
  2. Challenge: Crafting mods have complex syntax with variations, tiers, and combinations. Regex needs to be flexible and precise.

Ethical Regex Practices:

  • Avoid Automation: Don’t use regex for automating crafting processes or decision-making, as it undermines gameplay and fairness.
  • Focus on Analysis: Utilize regex to filter and analyze potential crafting outcomes, not to automate actions.
  • Contribute to Community: Share your honed regex patterns for ethical crafting purposes with the Path of Exile community.

Tips for Crafting Regex:

  • Start Simple: Focus on matching specific affixes or tiers initially. Gradually add complexity as you gain experience.
  • Online Resources: Use regex testers like RegExr.com to validate and visualize your patterns.
  • Community Tutorials: Learn from existing regex examples and tutorials shared by experienced Path of Exile players.
  • Tier Matching: Use capture groups and conditional matching to identify specific affix tiers within your regex.
  • Combine Patterns: Combine multiple regex patterns to filter for specific combinations of mods or properties.

Ethical and Creative Examples:

  • Match Life Rolls on Rings: (+\d{3,4}%|%\d{1,2} Life Regen).*Ring (Captures numeric life or regen values)
  • Find 30%-34% Fire Resistance Gloves: 3(0|1|2|3|4)% Fire Resistance.*Gloves (Matches specific resistance tiers)
  • Exclude Utility Mods on Amulets: Amulet(?!.*Chaos Resistance|Attribute) (Negative lookahead to avoid utility mods)

Remember, the thrill of crafting comes from experimenting and making informed decisions. Use regex as a tool to analyze possibilities, not dictate outcomes. By prioritizing ethical practices and sharing your knowledge, you can contribute to a vibrant and fair Path of Exile crafting community.

Disclaimer: Always prioritize ethical gameplay and adhere to Path of Exile’s Terms of Use. This information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be used for malicious or harmful activities.

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PoE Crafting

Crafting refers to creating or improving items by adding and removing modifiers. There are a variety of methods to do this, including randomly with certain orbs and other currency, and sometimes with the help of fixed vendor recipes, the Crafting Bench, or masters.

Path of Exile’s in-game currency is required for both crafting and trading items. Since most crafting techniques are costly and unpredictable, only the most succesful crafting attempts are cost-efficient. As a result it is often preferable to buy a desired item from another player instead of crafting it yourself. As a rule of thumb, advanced crafting for equipment and weapons should also be avoided until the player has access to high level items (with an item level of 80 or more) to make sure the highest tier of modifiers is available.

Despite its unpredictability and high initial capital requirement, successful crafts can be very lucrative for the player(s) involved. There might be a buyer willing to pay more than the initial investment and allow you to make a profit. Owners of the crafted item can also set up a mirror service, through which other players use their Mirrors of Kalandra to make a copy of the crafted item. The owner of the crafted item is paid a fixed mirror fee everytime a player mirrors his item. This repeated income can be used to earn back the crafting investment.

Under some circumstances, an item with the desired combination of mods may simply not yet exist. In that case crafting it is the only way of obtaining it.

Crafting techniques

There are a number of crafting techniques that you can choose from. They differ in terms of the amount of orbs required, as well as the rarity of the base item and the item you’re going to craft.

Basic crafting techniques

You have a few options to directly upgrade a white (normal) item to either a magic or rare item. They don’t require very expensive currency, but don’t have much customization possible either. One orb will usually do the job.

There are three ways to do this (taken from Invalesco’s Crafting Guide)

  • Use an Orb of Transmutation on a white item (Normal/Common) to upgrade it to a magic item.
  • Use a Orb of Chance on a white item to get either a magic, rare or unique version of the item. The rarity is chosen completely randomly (although higher rarities are less likely).
  • Use an Orb of Alchemy. This makes your white item rare.

These basic methods are inexpensive but their outcome is arbitrary.

Advanced crafting techniques

Instead of changing all the modifiers on an item at once, you can also add each one separately. This is a more reliable way of crafting and you can make sure that you add only desirable mods. This is however quite pricey and therefore you are recommended to only use these techniques to craft high-level gear. These methods are taken from Invalesco’s crafting guide.

  • Chaos Orb crafting: after you have alched an item, you use chaos orbs until you get the desired mods. You can also use Scour + Alch to get the same effect. This method is not recommended for getting specific modifiers.
  • The Systematic Alt/Regal/Exalt Method: an effective method to get the mods you want. It consists of a series of steps you follow.
  1. Start with a white item (preferably with a high item level)
  2. Use an Orb of Transmutation
  3. Keep spamming Orbs of Alteration and Orbs of Augmentation until you get the two mods you want.
  4. Use Regal Orb. If you roll an unwanted mod, scour the item and start over at step one.
  5. (Use Eternal Orb to make an imprint of the item. Although it isn’t essential to use an eternal at this step, it is the safest way to craft. If your exalts turn out bad, you have something to fall back on.)
  6. Use three Exalted Orbs. (If you roll an unwanted mod, restore the item with the Eternal Orb.)
  7. If necessary, use a Divine Orb or Blessed Orb to alter the mod values.
  8. (Corruption, see below.)

Master crafting

Using the Crafting Bench located in your hideout, it is possible to craft a specific modifier. Crafting recipes can be found in certain areas and maps, as well as via master content. By default, every item is limited to one of these mods, but there are ways to bypass that limit.

Master crafting common stats like life or resistances is relatively inexpensive and is not exclusively done in the endgame. Even on lower-level characters, adding stats for some more survivability is worthwile and can help the player greatly.

The existence of a crafted master mod on an item prevents a mod of the same type from being added via an Exalted Orb. This means that master mods can be added to an item temporarily to block that type, effectively removing it from the pool of possible mods. This is a very useful technique to increase the odds of getting a desired mod.

Meta-crafting modifiers

The more advanced master crafting techniques mainly revolve around the interaction between meta-crafting mods and Orb of Scouring. Although the orb’s description says it Removes all properties from an item, modifiers protected by meta-crafting mods will remain untouched. This way, players can lock in modifiers without losing all the other modifiers.

Using the Can have multiple Crafted Mods meta-crafting mod to combine multiple other meta-crafting mods allows for even more control of the item. This way the player can often limit the pool of possible mods so that outcome of the craft is almost guaranteed.

This table shows the available meta-crafting modifiers:

Modifier Cost Recipe location
of Spellcraft 1× Divine Orb Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack’s Den
of Weaponcraft 1× Divine Orb Whakawairua Tuahu
of Prefixes 2x Divine Orb The Coward’s Trial
Suffixed 2× Divine Orb Oba’s Cursed Trove
of Crafting 2× Divine Orb The Putrid Cloister

Keep in mind that this technique of crafting requires multiple Divine Orbs.

Cheap Off-Color Crafting

Using this method, you will be able to more easily craft your desired off-colors

In this example we want an Armour Helmet (Strength) with three blue sockets and one red socket.

  1. Start by putting the item in the Crafting Bench.
  2. Craft Two Sockets and then craft At Least Two Blue Sockets. This will result in an item with only two blue sockets.
  3. Craft Three Sockets (this will add an additional socket of a random color) and check the color, if the third socket has an undesired color, craft Two Sockets (this will remove the socket we have added previously) and then craft Three Sockets again. Repeat this step until you get an item with only three blue sockets.
  4. For the final step, you will do the same as the previous step but now with Four Sockets and Three Sockets. Craft Four Sockets and check the color, if your item has three blue sockets and one red socket then you are done; if not, craft Three Sockets and then craft Four Sockets again. Repeat this until you have an item with three blue sockets and one red socket.

This method is normally a more reliable and cheaper process than using Chromatics or using the At Least Three Blue Sockets craft since you can obtain an undesired fourth socket.

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