PoE Players have 100% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills

Ah, a tricky Tier 17 map indeed! This "100% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills" mod throws your usual aura reliance out the window, forcing you to rethink your PoE strategy. Fear not, Exiles, for there are still ways to shine!

Embrace the Curse:

  • Focus on Curses: Prioritize self-cast or minion-applied curses as your primary source of aura-like buffs and debuffs. Consider powerful options like "Flammability," "Temporal Chains," or "Bane" depending on your build and the map layout.
  • Unique Alternatives: Explore unique items like "Victario’s Influence" or "Victario’s Charity" that provide strong aura-like effects through triggered curses.

Adapt Your Gameplay:

  • Skill Gems: Look for skill gems with built-in auras or buff effects, like "Herald of Ice" or "Cast when Damage Taken + Immortal Call."
  • Flasks: Utilize utility flasks with temporary buffs like "of Fortification" or "of Endurance Charges" to fill the gap left by auras.
  • Minions and Totems: Invest in minions or totems that naturally benefit you with their inherent auras or buff skills.

Embrace New Strategies:

  • Focus on Mobility and Utility: Since auras are limited, prioritize skills that offer movement, control, and support for your allies. Consider skills like "Frost Bomb," "Smoke Mine," or "Vaal Haste."
  • Defense is Key: Invest in strong defensive measures like high life regeneration, damage mitigation mechanics, and elemental resistances to overcome the lack of aura buffs.
  • Party Play: Communicate and coordinate with your party members to share remaining buff sources and cover each other’s weaknesses.

Map Awareness:

  • Prioritize Map Mods: Analyze the map’s other modifiers to adjust your strategy accordingly. Certain mods might favor specific tactics like minion focus or hit-and-run combat.
  • Adapt to Threats: Don’t be afraid to switch tactics or retreat if an encounter proves too challenging. Adaptability is key to conquering this unique map mod.

Remember, Exiles, even without your usual aura crutches, you have the ingenuity and skill to overcome this map mod! Embrace the limitations, adapt your playstyle, and strategize for a thrilling Tier 17 victory. May your wit and resilience guide you through this unique challenge!

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