PoE Players are assaulted by Ruinous Ghosts

Players are assaulted by Ruinous Ghosts: The map spawns untargetable Ruinous Ghosts which can inflict Ruin. Similar to Ultimatum, upon reaching 7 stacks, the map is considered as being failed and cannot generate the Singular Reliquary.

Ruinous Ghosts are a map modifier found in Path of Exile. Here's a breakdown of what they do:

  • Spawn: They appear in maps with the "Players are assaulted by Ruinous Ghosts" modifier.
  • Untargetable: You can't directly attack or damage them.
  • Ruin Infliction: They inflict a debuff called "Ruin" on players when nearby.
  • Stacking Debuff: Each time you're hit by Ruin, you gain a stack.
  • Failure Threshold: If you reach 7 stacks of Ruin, the map is considered failed.

This mechanic functions similarly to the Ultimatum mechanic: reaching a certain threshold leads to a negative consequence (failing the map and losing the Singular Reliquary).

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Defense Against Ruin: While you can't target the ghosts directly, some defensive mechanics can help mitigate Ruin stacks. For example, high amounts of chaos resistance can reduce the effect.
  • Map Modifier Benefits: The "Players are assaulted by Ruinous Ghosts" modifier also has some upsides. It can:
    • Increase the quantity of items found in the map.
    • Have a chance to convert regular maps into Elder Guardian Maps (useful for endgame challenges).

Overall, Ruinous Ghosts add another layer of challenge and risk-reward to maps with this modifier.

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