PoE Niche Unique Items for Currency Farming

While Path of Exile’s high-profile unique items often steal the spotlight, some hidden gems excel in specific niches, particularly currency farming. Let’s explore these unsung heroes of wealth, revealing their hidden powers and potential profit streams:

Hidden Currency Kings:

  • Windripper (Bow): This unique bow excels at clearing low-tier maps quickly, aided by its projectile chain and life gain on hit. Combine it with high item quantity and rarity gear for efficient map farm currency grinding.
  • GoldFlask (Belt): Don’t be fooled by its unassuming appearance! This belt generates currency for every rare enemy killed, scaling well with increased pack size and monster density. It’s a hidden gem for boss encounters and high-density maps.
  • The Gull (Helmet): This unique helmet replaces all item drops with coins, offering a unique take on currency farming. While inconsistent, it can generate significant returns in specific situations like Delve bosses or Einhar hunts.
  • Saffel’s Frame (Shield): This shield boasts high block chance and life regeneration, allowing you to delve deeper while generating currency through its "increased chance for monsters to drop Ancient Orbs" mod. Ideal for Delve enthusiasts.
  • Ventor’s Gamble (Ring): This ring replaces map drops with random unique maps, potentially yielding valuable maps you can sell or run for further profit. It’s a gamble, but rewarding for players comfortable with map trading.

Beyond Direct Drops:

  • Headhunter (Belt): This infamous belt steals enemy buffs on kill, granting you incredible power and increased chance for bosses to drop unique items. While not directly currency-focused, it can indirectly generate significant wealth through valuable drops and efficient clears.
  • Perandus Signet (Ring): This ring opens Perandus Chests in your current area, offering potential access to valuable Perandus coins and unique items. Combine it with strong map clear and targeted Perandus scarabs for a unique currency farming approach.
  • Divination Card Farming: Certain unique items like The Doctor or Saffel’s Frame can dramatically increase the drop rate of specific Divination Cards. If you know a lucrative card farm, these items can turn it into a powerful currency-generating engine.


  • Niche Uses: These unique items often shine in specific situations and might not be universally best-in-slot. Analyze your farming goals and playstyle before acquiring them.
  • Investment Cost: Some of these items are expensive, so weigh the initial investment against their potential return on investment.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try out different combinations and strategies. Mastering their quirks can unlock their true financial potential.

May these overlooked treasure troves guide you to overflowing coffers, Exile! Remember, wealth lies not just in obvious riches, but also in the cunning use of specialized tools. Go forth and explore the hidden potential of these niche unique items, and discover your own path to currency mastery in Path of Exile!

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