PoE Most Expensive Gems

List of PoE Most Expensive Gems

Name Level Quality Corrupt Value
(Divine Orb)
Awakened Enlighten Support 5 20 yes 4255.9
Awakened Empower Support 5 20 yes 2179.0
Item Quantity Support 20 23 yes 1310.8
Item Quantity Support 21 20 yes 1191.7
Item Quantity Support 1 20 no 874.8
Item Quantity Support 20 20 no 700.0
Item Quantity Support 1 no 688.2
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 6 23 yes 610.0
Awakened Enhance Support 5 20 yes 540.0
Item Quantity Support 20 20 yes 530.0
Seismic Trap 20 yes 400.0
Item Quantity Support 20 yes 290.0
Heavy Strike 21 23 yes 250.0
Vaal Molten Shell 21 23 yes 250.0
Cast when Stunned Support 21 23 yes 241.0
Vaal Discipline 21 23 yes 200.0
Awakened Multistrike Support 6 20 yes 199.4
Vaal Grace 21 23 yes 199.4
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 6 23 yes 178.5
Awakened Multistrike Support 5 23 yes 171.0
Determination 21 23 yes 153.0
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 6 23 yes 150.0
Awakened Multistrike Support 5 20 no 139.0
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 6 20 yes 131.1
Block Chance Reduction Support 1 no 130.0
Awakened Multistrike Support 5 20 yes 126.0
Awakened Multistrike Support 1 no 124.0
Increased Critical Strikes Support 21 23 yes 114.0
Vaal Haste 21 23 yes 108.0
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 5 20 no 100.0
Awakened Void Manipulation Support 6 23 yes 99.4
Inspiration Support 21 23 yes 99.3
Vaal Ancestral Warchief 21 23 yes 92.5
Increased Critical Damage Support 21 23 yes 90.0
Awakened Added Cold Damage Support 6 23 yes 85.0
Spirit Offering 21 23 yes 81.5
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 1 no 80.0
Awakened Spell Echo Support 6 20 yes 78.5
Awakened Swift Affliction Support 6 23 yes 76.0
Tornado Shot 21 23 yes 75.6
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 5 23 yes 74.0
Hatred 21 23 yes 73.4
Vaal Righteous Fire 21 23 yes 71.0
Mirage Archer Support 21 23 yes 68.3
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support 5 20 yes 66.0
Awakened Multistrike Support 1 20 no 65.5
Awakened Spell Echo Support 1 no 64.5
Energy Leech Support 21 23 yes 64.0
Malevolence 21 23 yes 61.2
Vaal Impurity of Fire 21 23 yes 60.0
Precision 21 23 yes 59.0
Awakened Minion Damage Support 6 23 yes 58.8
Vaal Impurity of Ice 21 23 yes 56.0
Awakened Fork Support 6 20 yes 55.0
Awakened Controlled Destruction Support 6 23 yes 54.4
Awakened Spell Echo Support 1 20 no 54.0
Tempest Shield 21 23 yes 54.0
Awakened Chain Support 6 23 yes 52.0
Rallying Cry 21 23 yes 52.0
Sunder 21 23 yes 52.0
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support 6 20 yes 50.0
Awakened Spell Echo Support 5 20 no 49.5
Infernal Cry 21 23 yes 48.0
Assassin’s Mark 21 23 yes 46.1
Blood Rage 21 23 yes 46.0
Flesh and Stone 21 23 yes 44.4
Vaal Summon Skeletons 21 23 yes 44.0
Vaal Impurity of Lightning 21 23 yes 43.9
Molten Shell 21 23 yes 43.4
Vaal Spectral Throw 21 23 yes 42.0
Vaal Spark 21 20 yes 41.0
Vaal Ground Slam 21 23 yes 40.1
Sniper’s Mark 21 23 yes 40.0
Vaal Blade Vortex 21 23 yes 40.0
Vaal Lightning Strike 21 23 yes 40.0
Vaal Discipline 21 20 yes 39.6
Soulrend of Reaping 21 23 yes 39.1
Trap and Mine Damage Support 21 23 yes 37.5
Awakened Spell Echo Support 5 20 yes 37.0
Vaal Lightning Trap 21 23 yes 37.0
Awakened Spell Cascade Support 6 20 yes 35.0
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 21 20 yes 35.0
Vaal Detonate Dead 21 23 yes 35.0
Vaal Smite 21 20 yes 34.5
Awakened Fork Support 5 20 no 33.0
Decoy Totem 21 23 yes 33.0
Ensnaring Arrow 21 23 yes 32.0
Reckoning 21 23 yes 32.0
Vaal Flameblast 21 23 yes 31.2
Vaal Molten Shell 21 20 yes 30.3
Kinetic Blast 21 23 yes 30.0
Leap Slam 21 23 yes 29.8
Vaal Grace 21 20 yes 29.5
Ice Nova of Frostbolts 21 20 yes 28.5
Riposte 21 23 yes 28.1
Lightning Warp 21 23 yes 28.0
Molten Strike 21 23 yes 27.5
Animate Guardian 21 23 yes 27.0
Awakened Lightning Penetration Support 6 20 yes 27.0
Boneshatter of Complex Trauma 21 20 yes 25.8
Vaal Grace 21 yes 25.6
Tectonic Slam 21 23 yes 25.2
Siege Ballista 21 23 yes 25.1
Awakened Fork Support 5 23 yes 25.0
Spark of the Nova 21 20 yes 25.0
Cold Snap of Power 21 20 yes 24.6
Vaal Blade Vortex 21 20 yes 23.6
Awakened Void Manipulation Support 6 20 yes 23.5
Purity of Lightning 21 23 yes 23.2
Summon Holy Relic of Conviction 21 20 yes 23.2
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 6 20 yes 23.0
Creeping Frost 21 23 yes 23.0
Vaal Discipline 21 yes 23.0
Vaal Lightning Strike 21 20 yes 22.5
Shockwave Totem 21 23 yes 22.4
Ice Shot 21 23 yes 22.2
Vaal Double Strike 21 23 yes 21.3
Awakened Unleash Support 6 20 yes 21.2
Awakened Spell Cascade Support 5 20 no 21.0
Ice Spear 21 23 yes 21.0
Awakened Fork Support 1 no 20.8
Cyclone 21 23 yes 20.8
Infernal Blow 20 20 no 20.7
Summon Carrion Golem 20 yes 20.4
Awakened Vicious Projectiles Support 6 20 yes 20.3
Soulrend 20 no 20.2
Awakened Fork Support 1 20 no 20.1
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 5 23 yes 20.0
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 6 20 yes 20.0
Awakened Elemental Focus Support 6 20 yes 20.0
Awakened Fork Support 5 20 yes 20.0
Awakened Spell Cascade Support 1 no 20.0
Awakened Spell Cascade Support 5 20 yes 20.0
Frostbite 21 23 yes 20.0
Lancing Steel of Spraying 21 20 yes 20.0
Shrapnel Ballista 21 23 yes 20.0
Awakened Chain Support 6 20 yes 19.7
Penance Brand of Dissipation 21 20 yes 19.7
Awakened Blasphemy Support 6 20 yes 19.5
Awakened Spell Cascade Support 1 20 no 19.1
Dominating Blow 21 23 yes 19.0
Frost Shield 21 23 yes 19.0
Searing Bond 21 23 yes 18.8
Vaal Power Siphon 21 23 yes 18.5
Glacial Hammer 21 23 yes 18.4
Shock Nova 21 23 yes 18.0
Awakened Generosity Support 6 20 yes 17.5
Vaal Storm Call 21 23 yes 17.0
Haste 21 23 yes 16.8
Poacher’s Mark 21 23 yes 16.5
Arc of Oscillating 21 20 yes 16.2
Warlord’s Mark 21 23 yes 16.2
Awakened Unbound Ailments Support 6 20 yes 15.9
Smite 21 23 yes 15.4
Awakened Added Cold Damage Support 6 20 yes 15.0
Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support 6 20 yes 15.0
Frostblink of Wintry Blast 21 20 yes 15.0
Righteous Fire 21 23 yes 15.0
Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support 6 20 yes 15.0
Awakened Swift Affliction Support 6 20 yes 14.7
Awakened Cold Penetration Support 6 20 yes 14.6
Elemental Penetration Support 21 20 yes 14.4
Bodyswap 21 23 yes 14.0
Enlighten Support 4 any yes 14.0
Detonate Dead 21 23 yes 13.9
Flame Dash 21 23 yes 13.8
Grace 21 23 yes 13.7
Withering Touch Support 21 23 yes 13.6
Less Duration Support 21 20 yes 13.5
Molten Strike of the Zenith 21 20 yes 13.4
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 5 20 yes 13.2
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 5 20 no 13.0
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support 5 20 no 13.0
Eye of Winter of Finality 21 20 yes 12.5
Vaal Detonate Dead 20 23 yes 12.4
Awakened Brutality Support 6 20 yes 12.0
Awakened Minion Damage Support 6 20 yes 12.0
Frost Wall 21 23 yes 11.8
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 5 23 yes 11.4
Consecrated Path of Endurance 21 20 yes 11.2
Dash 21 23 yes 11.2
Vaal Reave 21 23 yes 11.0
Vortex 21 23 yes 11.0
Ancestral Warchief 21 23 yes 10.8
Awakened Unleash Support 5 20 no 10.8
Perforate 20 20 no 10.8
Frostbolt 21 23 yes 10.6
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support 5 20 yes 10.5
Discipline 21 23 yes 10.5
Reap 20 no 10.4
Storm Call 20 20 no 10.3
Discharge of Misery 21 20 yes 10.2
Divine Ire of Holy Lightning 21 20 yes 10.2
Bear Trap 20 20 yes 10.1
Dark Pact 20 20 yes 10.1
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 1 no 10.0
Frost Bomb 21 23 yes 10.0
Tornado of Elemental Turbulence 21 20 yes 10.0
Awakened Melee Splash Support 6 20 yes 9.9
Awakened Deadly Ailments Support 6 20 yes 9.8
Awakened Fire Penetration Support 6 20 yes 9.8
Awakened Unleash Support 5 20 yes 9.8
Awakened Added Chaos Damage Support 6 20 yes 9.7
Vaal Righteous Fire 21 yes 9.7
Boneshatter of Complex Trauma 20 23 yes 9.6
Purity of Ice 21 20 yes 9.5
Armageddon Brand 21 23 yes 9.4
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support 1 no 9.0
Stormbind of Teleportation 21 20 yes 9.0
Vaal Molten Shell 20 23 yes 9.0
Freezing Pulse 21 23 yes 8.8
Righteous Fire of Arcane Devotion 21 20 yes 8.8
Vaal Rain of Arrows 21 23 yes 8.6
Chain Hook 21 23 yes 8.5
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support 1 20 no 8.5
Ice Nova 21 23 yes 8.5
Defiance Banner 21 20 yes 8.4
Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support 1 20 no 8.4
Scorching Ray 21 23 yes 8.4
Ice Nova of Frostbolts 20 20 no 8.2
Frenzy 21 23 yes 8.1
Awakened Burning Damage Support 6 20 yes 8.0
Cruelty Support 21 20 yes 8.0
Summon Ice Golem of Shattering 21 23 yes 8.0
Ball Lightning of Orbiting 20 20 no 7.8
Orb of Storms 21 23 yes 7.8
Tempest Shield 21 20 yes 7.8
Awakened Arrow Nova Support 6 20 yes 7.5
Awakened Cast While Channelling Support 5 20 yes 7.4
Awakened Unleash Support 1 no 7.4
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 21 yes 7.4
Awakened Controlled Destruction Support 6 20 yes 7.2
Temporal Chains 21 23 yes 7.2
Awakened Blasphemy Support 1 20 no 7.2
Wrath 21 20 yes 7.1
Molten Strike 21 20 yes 7.0
Awakened Deadly Ailments Support 1 20 no 7.0
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 20 yes 7.0
Double Strike 21 23 yes 7.0
Energy Leech Support 21 20 yes 7.0
Hexblast 21 23 yes 7.0
Petrified Blood 21 20 yes 7.0
Summon Carrion Golem of Scavenging 21 23 yes 7.0
Volatility Support 21 20 yes 7.0
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 20 20 no 7.0
Minefield Support 21 20 yes 6.8
Purity of Fire 21 20 yes 6.8
Ball Lightning of Orbiting 1 20 no 6.7
Intensify Support 1 20 no 6.7
Smoke Mine 21 23 yes 6.7
Ice Bite Support 21 20 yes 6.6
Blade Vortex 21 23 yes 6.5
Awakened Chain Support 5 20 no 6.5
Slower Projectiles Support 21 20 yes 6.5
Splitting Steel 21 20 yes 6.3
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support 1 20 no 6.3
Frostblink of Wintry Blast 20 20 yes 6.2
Ice Nova of Frostbolts 1 20 no 6.2
Automation 21 20 yes 6.0
Awakened Melee Splash Support 5 23 yes 6.0
Determination 21 20 yes 6.0
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 1 20 no 6.0
Grace 21 20 yes 6.0
Purity of Lightning 21 20 yes 6.0
Summon Flame Golem of the Meteor 21 23 yes 6.0
Vaal Ice Nova 21 23 yes 6.0
Vitality 21 20 yes 6.0
Artillery Ballista 21 23 yes 5.9
Awakened Void Manipulation Support 5 23 yes 5.8
Caustic Arrow of Poison 21 20 yes 5.8
Withering Touch Support 21 20 yes 5.8
Lancing Steel of Spraying 20 20 no 5.6
Archmage Support 21 20 yes 5.5
Storm Rain of the Fence 21 20 yes 5.5
Firestorm of Pelting 20 20 yes 5.4
Frenzy of Onslaught 20 23 yes 5.4
Lancing Steel of Spraying 20 20 yes 5.4
Pulverise Support 21 20 yes 5.4
Despair 21 23 yes 5.3
Incinerate 21 23 yes 5.3
Impale Support 20 yes 5.3
Animate Weapon of Self Reflection 21 20 yes 5.2
Awakened Hextouch Support 6 20 yes 5.2
Call to Arms 21 20 yes 5.2
Arcane Cloak 21 20 yes 5.0
Arrogance Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Awakened Added Fire Damage Support 6 20 yes 5.0
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 5 20 no 5.0
Awakened Elemental Focus Support 5 23 yes 5.0
Berserk 21 20 yes 5.0
Concentrated Effect Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Damage on Full Life Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Flame Dash of Return 21 20 yes 5.0
Frostblink of Wintry Blast 20 20 no 5.0
Returning Projectiles Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Shield Crush 21 20 yes 5.0
Toxic Rain 21 23 yes 5.0
Vaal Impurity of Fire 21 yes 5.0
Vile Toxins Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Summon Holy Relic of Conviction 20 20 no 5.0
Minion Life Support 21 20 yes 5.0
Purity of Elements 21 20 yes 5.0
Awakened Unbound Ailments Support 5 20 no 4.8
Ice Nova of Frostbolts 20 20 yes 4.8
Conductivity 21 20 yes 4.7
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum 20 20 yes 4.7
Malevolence 21 20 yes 4.7
Flammability 21 23 yes 4.6
Lancing Steel of Spraying 20 no 4.6
Arctic Armour 21 20 yes 4.5
Divine Blessing Support 21 20 yes 4.5
Summon Skitterbots 21 23 yes 4.5
Unearth 21 23 yes 4.4
Purity of Lightning 20 yes 4.4
Lightning Arrow 21 20 yes 4.3
Hypothermia Support 20 yes 4.2
Awakened Ancestral Call Support 5 20 yes 4.2
Detonate Dead 21 20 yes 4.2
Firestorm of Pelting 20 no 4.2
Assassin’s Mark 21 20 yes 4.0
Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support 5 23 yes 4.0
Awakened Chain Support 5 20 yes 4.0
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 5 20 yes 4.0
Boneshatter of Complex Trauma 20 20 yes 4.0
Burning Arrow of Vigour 21 20 yes 4.0
Cast when Stunned Support 21 20 yes 4.0
Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction 1 no 4.0
Firestorm of Pelting 20 20 no 4.0
Frenzy of Onslaught 20 20 no 4.0
Frostbite 21 20 yes 4.0
Herald of Ash 21 20 yes 4.0
Herald of Purity 21 20 yes 4.0
Inspiration Support 21 20 yes 4.0
Power Charge On Critical Support 21 20 yes 4.0
Summon Raging Spirit of Enormity 21 20 yes 4.0
Tornado of Elemental Turbulence 20 20 no 4.0
Trinity Support 21 20 yes 4.0
Fire Trap of Blasting 20 20 no 4.0
Sniper’s Mark 21 20 yes 3.9
Lightning Strike 21 20 yes 3.9
Ruthless Support 21 20 yes 3.9
Vaal Summon Skeletons 21 20 yes 3.9
Cast when Damage Taken Support 21 20 yes 3.8
Frostblink of Wintry Blast 1 20 no 3.8
Lancing Steel 21 20 yes 3.8
Withering Step 21 23 yes 3.8
Elemental Weakness 21 20 yes 3.7
Herald of Agony 21 23 yes 3.7
Lifetap Support 21 20 yes 3.7
Cast when Stunned Support 20 23 yes 3.7
Charged Traps Support 21 23 yes 3.6
Fire Trap 21 23 yes 3.6
Awakened Unbound Ailments Support 5 23 yes 3.6
Lightning Strike 21 23 yes 3.5
Anger 21 20 yes 3.5
Awakened Swift Affliction Support 5 23 yes 3.5
Increased Critical Damage Support 21 20 yes 3.5
Mark On Hit Support 21 20 yes 3.5
Awakened Chain Support 1 no 3.4
Energy Blade 21 20 yes 3.4
Steelskin 21 20 yes 3.4
Seismic Cry 21 20 yes 3.4
Desecrate 21 20 yes 3.4
Elemental Penetration Support 20 23 yes 3.3
Elemental Penetration Support 20 no 3.3
Frenzy of Onslaught 20 20 yes 3.3
Melee Physical Damage Support 21 23 yes 3.3
Intensify Support 21 20 yes 3.3
Frostblink of Wintry Blast 1 no 3.2
Awakened Elemental Focus Support 5 20 no 3.2
Overcharge Support 21 20 yes 3.2
Arcane Surge Support 21 20 yes 3.1
Awakened Melee Splash Support 5 20 no 3.1
Ice Nova of Frostbolts 1 no 3.1
Lancing Steel of Spraying 1 20 no 3.1
Multistrike Support 21 20 yes 3.1
Awakened Cast While Channelling Support 5 20 no 3.0
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 1 no 3.0
Awakened Elemental Focus Support 5 20 yes 3.0
Awakened Lightning Penetration Support 5 20 no 3.0
Awakened Lightning Penetration Support 5 20 yes 3.0
Awakened Void Manipulation Support 5 20 yes 3.0
Ball Lightning 21 20 yes 3.0
Boneshatter 21 20 yes 3.0
Close Combat Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Combustion Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Culling Strike Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Cyclone of Tumult 20 20 no 3.0
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum 1 20 no 3.0
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Firestorm of Pelting 1 no 3.0
Hatred 21 20 yes 3.0
Hexblast 21 20 yes 3.0
Ice Nova of Deep Freeze 21 20 yes 3.0
Lightning Strike of Arcing 20 20 no 3.0
Lightning Tendrils 21 23 yes 3.0
Manaforged Arrows Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Mirage Archer Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Raise Spectre 21 20 yes 3.0
Spark of the Nova 20 20 no 3.0
Summon Raging Spirit 21 20 yes 3.0
Swiftbrand Support 21 20 yes 3.0
Tornado of Elemental Turbulence 1 20 no 3.0
Vortex of Projection 20 20 no 3.0
Smite of Divine Judgement 20 20 no 3.0
Bonechill Support 21 20 yes 2.9
Focused Ballista Support 21 20 yes 2.9
Iron Will Support 21 23 yes 2.9
Shockwave Support 21 20 yes 2.9
Soulrend of the Spiral 20 20 no 2.9
Hexblast of Havoc 1 20 no 2.9
Lightning Conduit of the Heavens 20 20 yes 2.9
Spectral Shield Throw 21 20 yes 2.8
Awakened Added Cold Damage Support 5 23 yes 2.8
Awakened Void Manipulation Support 1 20 no 2.8
Discipline 21 20 yes 2.8
Ancestral Protector 21 20 yes 2.8
Awakened Minion Damage Support 5 23 yes 2.7
Awakened Generosity Support 5 20 no 2.7
Clarity 21 20 yes 2.7
Boneshatter of Complex Trauma 20 20 no 2.6
Precision 21 20 yes 2.6
Rain of Arrows of Saturation 20 20 no 2.6
Second Wind Support 21 20 yes 2.6
Enhance Support 4 any yes 2.5
Herald of Thunder 1 20 no 2.5
Righteous Fire of Arcane Devotion 1 20 no 2.5
Trap and Mine Damage Support 21 20 yes 2.5
Vaal Impurity of Ice 21 yes 2.5
Awakened Cast While Channelling Support 1 no 2.5
Detonate Dead of Scavenging 21 20 yes 2.4
Frenzy 21 20 yes 2.4
Vaal Earthquake 21 23 yes 2.4
Summon Stone Golem 21 23 yes 2.4
Zealotry 21 20 yes 2.4
Awakened Deadly Ailments Support 5 23 yes 2.3
Exsanguinate 21 20 yes 2.3
Vaal Blade Vortex 21 yes 2.3
Sigil of Power 21 20 yes 2.2
Animate Guardian 21 20 yes 2.2
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support 1 20 no 2.2
Frenzy of Onslaught 1 20 no 2.2
Frostblink 21 20 yes 2.2
Glacial Hammer of Shattering 21 yes 2.2
Soulrend of the Spiral 20 no 2.2
Vaal Spark 21 yes 2.2
Vaal Smite 20 23 yes 2.2
Lightning Conduit of the Heavens 20 20 no 2.2
Herald of Ice 21 20 yes 2.1
Battlemage’s Cry 21 20 yes 2.1
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum 20 20 no 2.1

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