PoE Magic Find

Magic find (MF) in Path of Exile is like sprinkling luck dust on your Exile, boosting your chances of finding that shiny new unique or valuable rare item. While not the sole focus of every build, a well-planned MF setup can significantly increase your loot drops and enrich your Wraeclast experience. Let’s explore the magical world of MF:


  • Increased Item Quantity (IIQ): This stat directly increases the number of items dropped by monsters.
  • Increased Item Rarity (IIR): This stat improves the chances of dropped items being rare or unique.
  • Curses and auras: Specific curses like "Tempest of Blades" and auras like "Bisco’s Collar" can also boost MF.
  • Flask effects: Certain flasks, like "Wise Oak" and "Gold Flask," offer temporary MF buffs.

Building for MF:

  • Gear: Opt for items with high inherent MF rolls, like Windripper bow or Saffel’s Frame amulet.
  • Uniques: Utilize dedicated MF uniques like "Divination Distillate" or "Ventorse’s Gamble."
  • Gems: Support gems like "Increased Item Quantity" and "Item Rarity Support" can be slotted into relevant skills.
  • Passives: Allocate points on the passive tree’s "increased item rarity" and "increased item quantity" clusters.


  • Sacrifices: Building for MF often compromises other stats like damage or survivability.
  • Map modifiers: "Increased Rare Monsters" and "Increased Quantity" map mods further amplify your loot gains.
  • Investment levels: High-end MF setups can be extremely expensive, so tailor your approach to your resources.
  • Balance: Find a balance between MF and your build’s core functionality, ensuring you can clear maps efficiently.

Tips and tricks:

  • Run solo: MF benefits are not shared in party play, so reap the full rewards by farming alone.
  • Focus on map bosses: They have better chances of dropping high-value loot.
  • Chain maps: Utilize the "increased quantity" bonus from chaining maps.
  • Sell accumulated rares: Regularly offload low-value rares to free up inventory space and generate wealth.

Remember: MF is not a magic bullet, and it should complement your build and playstyle. Enjoy the thrill of finding epic loot, but don’t neglect the core aspects of defeating enemies and progressing through the game.

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Increased Item Quantity

Increased Item Quantity (IIQ) is like a lucky rabbit’s foot in Path of Exile, amplifying your chances of drowning in glorious loot! Let’s delve into the wonders of IIQ:


  • Simple and satisfying! The higher your IIQ, the more items monsters drop.
  • Affects ALL item drops, including currency, rares, uniques, and divination cards.
  • Applies multiplicatively, meaning each source of IIQ stacks for even greater effect.

Building for IIQ:

  • Gear: Equip items with inherent IIQ rolls, like Windripper bow or Saffel’s Frame amulet.
  • Uniques: Dedicate yourself to MF uniques like Divination Distillate or Ventorse’s Gamble.
  • Gems: Slot support gems like "Increased Item Quantity" and "Item Rarity Support" in relevant skills.
  • Passives: Invest in "increased item quantity" clusters on the passive tree.
  • Flasks: Utilize temporary IIQ buffs from flasks like Wise Oak or Gold Flask.


  • Sacrifices: Remember, IIQ often comes at the cost of other stats like damage or survivability.
  • Map mods: Seek maps with modifiers like "Increased Rare Monsters" or "Increased Quantity" to supercharge your loot haul.
  • Investment levels: High-end IIQ setups can be costly, so scale your approach to your resources.
  • Balance: Don’t neglect your build’s core functionality. Optimizing clear speed and survivability allows you to farm efficiently and collect those juicy drops.

Tips and tricks:

  • Run solo: IIQ benefits aren’t shared in party play, so solo farming maximizes your drop potential.
  • Focus on map bosses: They have higher chances of dropping high-value loot.
  • Chain maps: The "increased quantity" bonus from chaining maps is your friend.
  • Sell accumulated rares: Don’t let your inventory overflow. Regularly offload low-value rares to generate wealth.

Remember: IIQ is a powerful tool, but it’s most effective when used strategically. Don’t forget the joy of conquering challenging content and progressing through the game.

Increased Item Rarity

Increased Item Rarity (IIR) is the other half of the Path of Exile loot bonanza! While IIQ throws more items your way, IIR whispers sweet nothings to those items, convincing them to be rarer and shinier. Let’s explore the allure of IIR:


  • Unlike IIQ, IIR doesn’t affect the number of items dropped, but it drastically raises the chances of those items being magic, rare, or unique.
  • Think of it as a charm school for loot, upgrading commoners to nobles and peasants to princes (and maybe the occasional king!).
  • Similar to IIQ, it applies multiplicatively, stacking for even greater rarity-boosting power.

Building for IIR:

  • Gear: Opt for items with high inherent IIR rolls, like Ryslatha’s Collar amulet or Goldwrap belt.
  • Uniques: Dedicate yourself to MF uniques like The Ventor of Haste or Perandus’ Blazon.
  • Gems: Support gems like "Item Rarity Support" can be slotted in relevant skills.
  • Passives: Allocate points on the passive tree’s "increased item rarity" clusters.
  • Flasks: Utilize temporary IIR buffs from flasks like Wise Oak or Gold Flask.


  • Focus: Unlike IIQ, IIR’s benefits are most noticeable when farming for specific rare or unique items.
  • Investment levels: High-end IIR setups can be expensive, so tailor your approach to your resources.
  • Balance: Don’t neglect your build’s core functionality. Efficient map clearing and survivability are crucial for sustained loot gathering.
  • Patience: With IIR, the thrill lies in the anticipation of that rare gem or coveted unique, not a constant avalanche of drops.

Tips and tricks:

  • Target farm: Research farming locations for specific rare or unique items you desire.
  • Run map bosses: They have higher chances of dropping high-value loot.
  • Consider map mods: "Increased Monster Pack Size" and "Increased Rare Monsters" boost the pool of potential rare and unique drops.
  • Don’t forget currency: Increased IIR can also yield more valuable currency drops like Exalted Orbs and Chaos Orbs.

Remember: IIR is a patient but potentially explosive tool. Enjoy the thrill of the hunt and the unexpected treasures it may unearth!

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