PoE Mace Build

Path of Exile (POE) Mace Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Maces offer a satisfying gameplay experience in POE, focusing on raw physical damage and hard-hitting strikes. Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you create a strong mace build:

Playstyle Options:

  • Strength-based Physical Damage: This classic approach prioritizes maximizing physical damage output, attack speed, and life leech. Skills like Crush, Earthshatter, and Sweep excel in this playstyle.
  • Block Chance with Maces: This combines high block chance with skills like Crush or Earthshatter for a defensive and offensive blend. Ascendancy classes like Gladiator or Juggernaut complement this approach.
  • Elemental Damage with Maces: While less common, maces can be used with elemental skills that benefit from their high physical base damage. Skills like Molten Strike (Fire) or Frost Blades (Cold) can be adapted for elemental mace builds.

Resources for Build Research:

  • Official Path of Exile Forums: Search for "mace build" threads specific to your desired playstyle (physical, block, or elemental).
  • Build Websites:
  • YouTube Channels: Many Path of Exile content creators showcase mace builds and provide detailed explanations.

Example Build:

Here’s a sample Physical Damage Juggernaut build using Crush:

  • Skills:
    • Main: Crush (linked with Increased Physical Damage, Melee Physical Damage Support, and Ruthless)
    • Movement: Leap Slam (linked with Faster Attacks and Fortify)
    • Defense: Fortify (linked with Cast when Damage Taken), Immortal Call (linked with Increased Duration)
    • Auras: Determination (increased armor), Grace (increased evasion)
  • Gear:
    • Mace: Prioritize high physical damage base, attack speed, and critical strike chance.
    • Armor: Focus on high armor rolls and life regeneration.
    • Accessories: Aim for increased life rolls, resistances, and dexterity/strength.
  • Ascendancy: Juggernaut (focus on Ascendancy nodes that enhance life regeneration, physical damage, and survivability).

Important Note: Build guides are subject to change due to balance adjustments. Refer to the latest information and adapt the build accordingly.

Additional Tips:

  • Understanding Mechanics: Grasp core mechanics like physical damage scaling, attack speed, critical strike mechanics (optional), accuracy (for some skills), life sustain, and elemental resistances.
  • Passive Skill Tree: Allocate points efficiently to maximize physical damage, life regeneration, attack speed (or critical strike chance), and area of effect (for some skills).
  • Link Setup: Link your main attack skill with appropriate support gems to enhance its damage, attack speed, area of effect, or other desired aspects.

Here are some further considerations for a successful mace build:

  • Maces vs. Other Weapons: While maces excel in physical damage, other one-handed options like swords or axes might be suitable depending on the build’s focus. Explore options based on available gear and desired playstyle.
  • Strength Stacking: Prioritize the Strength attribute as it significantly boosts physical damage. Invest heavily in it on the passive skill tree and through gear.
  • Survivability: Prioritize life regeneration and high armor values, especially for close-quarters combat builds. Consider utilizing defensive skills like Immortal Call and Fortify.

Advanced Techniques (Optional):

  • Crafting: Utilize crafting mechanics (Essences, Orbs) to enhance your gear, specifically focusing on maximizing physical damage rolls on your mace and life rolls on armor and accessories.
  • Currency Trading: Consider acquiring specific unique items or crafted gear through currency trading to optimize your build.

Remember: Building a strong character involves knowledge, strategic planning, and potentially a significant investment. Utilize the resources mentioned, understand core mechanics, and explore different options to craft a mace-wielding character that suits your preferred playstyle in Path of Exile.

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