PoE Locomancer


Tag every waypoint as one character.

Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5
Act 6 Act 7 Act 8 Act 9 Act 10

Waypoints are a way to fast travel between different zones, acts and difficulties. They appear as blue shapes in the overlay map, and display as white when moused-over.

Zones with Waypoints

Act 1

Lioneye’s Watch
The Coast
The Submerged Passage
The Ledge
The Climb
The Lower Prison
Prisoner’s Gate
The Ship Graveyard
The Cavern of Wrath

Act 2

The Southern Forest
The Forest Encampment
The Crossroads
The Broken Bridge
The Crypt Level 1
The Chamber of Sins Level 1
The Western Forest
The Wetlands
The Riverways
The Northern Forest
The Caverns

Act 3

The City of Sarn
The Sarn Encampment
The Crematorium
The Warehouse Sewers
The Marketplace
The Battlefront
The Solaris Temple Level 1
The Solaris Temple Level 2
The Docks
The Ebony Barracks
The Lunaris Temple Level 1
The Imperial Gardens
The Library
The Sceptre of God (3 floor)

Act 4

The Aqueduct
The Crystal Veins
The Grand Arena
Kaom’s Stronghold
The Harvest

Act 5

The Slave Pens
Overseer’s Tower
Oriath Square (inaccessible after killing Innocence)
The Templar Courts (inaccessible after killing Innocence)
The Chamber of Innocence
The Ruined Square
The Reliquary
The Cathedral Rooftop

Act 6

Lioneye’s Watch
The Coast
The Ridge
The Lower Prison
Prisoner’s Gate
The Western Forest
The Riverways
The Southern Forest
The Beacon
The Brine King’s Reef

Act 7

The Bridge Encampment
The Crossroads
The Crypt
The Chamber of Sins
The Den
The Ashen Fields
The Northern Forest
The Causeway
The Vaal City

Act 8

The Sarn Ramparts
The Sarn Encampment
The Toxic Conduits
The Grain Gate
The Imperial Fields
The Solaris Temple
The Solaris Concourse
The Bath House
The Lunaris Concourse
The Lunaris Temple

Act 9

The Blood Aqueduct
The Vastiri Desert
The Foothills
The Tunnel
The Quarry

Act 10

Oriath Docks
The Ravaged Square
The Control Blocks
The Reliquary
The Desecrated Chambers


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