PoE How To Use Logbook

Using Logbooks in Path of Exile adds an exciting layer of exploration and challenge to your adventures. Here’s a guide on how to utilize them effectively:

1. Obtaining Logbooks:

  • Expedition Encounters: During Expeditions within maps, you can find them as random drops from chests or encounter rewards.
  • Trading: You can purchase Logbooks from other players through the Path of Exile trade system.

2. Understanding Logbooks:

  • Types: Various Logbooks exist, each leading to a specific Expedition area with unique themes and challenges.
  • Area Level: This determines the difficulty of monsters and potential item drops within the Expedition.
  • Modifiers: Each Logbook has specific modifiers affecting the Expedition area, such as increased monster density, special rewards, or environmental hazards.

3. Using Logbooks:

  • Talk to Dannig: Head to Dannig, Warrior Skald, in your Act 2 camp or Act 3 town. He allows you to open Logbooks.
  • Select Logbook: Choose the Logbook you want to access.
  • Preview & Modifications: Review the Expedition area details, modifiers, and potential rewards (if available).
  • Enter the Expedition: Click "Open Expedition" to enter the specific area related to the chosen Logbook.

4. Navigating the Expedition:

  • Exploration & Objectives: Explore the area, uncover secrets, and complete objectives as presented by the Expedition’s theme.
  • Loot & Chests: Collect valuable currency, unique items, and other loot from monsters and chests.
  • Remnants & Explosives: Interact with Remnant statues to modify the area and strategically use Explosives to activate bonus rewards or deal damage.
  • Hidden Areas & Bosses: Discover hidden sections and potentially encounter area-specific bosses for significant rewards.

5. Additional Tips:

  • Upgrade Logbooks: Use specific currency to upgrade Logbooks, increasing their Area Level, modifier effects, and potential rewards.
  • Run with friends: Group up with other players for greater safety and efficiency in tackling challenging Expeditions.
  • Utilize loot filters: Set your loot filter to highlight valuable items and currency within the Expedition area.
  • Research specific Logbooks: Consult online resources like the Path of Exile Wiki for detailed information on specific Logbook types, modifiers, and optimal strategies.


  • Logbooks offer exciting challenges, unique rewards, and a break from regular mapping.
  • Choose Logbooks based on your preferences, difficulty tolerance, and potential loot expectations.
  • Experiment with different strategies, explore hidden areas, and utilize modifiers to your advantage for maximum rewards in your Expeditions.

I hope this guide helps you confidently venture into the exciting world of Logbooks in Path of Exile! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific Logbooks, Expedition mechanics, or optimal strategies.

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