PoE How To Use Flares

PoE How To Use Flares Delve

In Path of Exile’s Delve, flares play a crucial role in navigating the dark and dangerous mines. Here’s how to utilize them effectively:

Equipping Flares:

  1. Open your Character Sheet: Press ‘C’ by default.
  2. Click the Right Analog Stick (PS4) or Hold R2 (PC) to access the Mining Camp menu.
  3. Select the "Flare" and "Dynamite" slots and assign them to desired hotkeys. This allows you to easily throw them during gameplay.

Using Flares in Delve:

  1. Press the hotkey assigned to Flares.
  2. Aim with your cursor and left-click to throw the Flare. It will illuminate a small area for a limited duration.
  3. Use Flares strategically:
    • Dark Paths: Throw Flares ahead of you to reveal the path and potential dangers.
    • Boss Encounters: Illuminate the boss arena for better visibility and combat strategy.
    • Hidden Paths: Some secret paths or Azurine veins might only be visible in the light of a Flare.
    • Resource Management: Flares are limited, so use them wisely and prioritize where they bring the most benefit.

Special Flare Types:

  • Purple Flare: This variant highlights nearby enemies within its radius, aiding in combat awareness.
  • Pink Flare: Reveals nearby Traps and Secrets, crucial for avoiding unwanted surprises and unlocking valuable pathways.


  • Flares don’t grant permanent light. The darkness will return after the duration ends, so throw them periodically to maintain visibility.
  • Consider your build and playstyle. A ranged character might rely more on Flares for visibility, while a melee build might prioritize Dynamite for clearing paths.
  • Don’t neglect other light sources. Niko’s light trail and certain Delve nodes can contribute to illumination.

By mastering the use of Flares, you’ll conquer the darkness of Delve and uncover its hidden treasures with greater ease. Happy delving!

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PoE How To Use Flares

Using flares in Path of Exile depends on the context and type of flare you’re referring to. Here are some possibilities:

1. Utility Flares:

  • Right-click the Flare: Select the flare from your inventory.
  • Left-click on the Ground: Throw the flare to illuminate a dark area for a duration.
  • Multiple Uses: You can throw multiple flares to cover a larger area or extend the lighting duration.
  • Available Types:
    • Regular Flare: Emits a basic white light.
    • Purple Flare: Highlights monsters within its radius.
    • Pink Flare: Reveals nearby Traps and Secrets.
    • Special Flares: Certain league-specific Flares may have unique effects.

2. Path of Exile Skills:

  • Skills with Flare Effects: Certain skills, like Flare Trap and Vaal Flare, create bursts of light with specific effects depending on the skill gem linked to them.
  • Skill Mechanics: Refer to the specific skill details for instructions on how to use them and trigger their flare effects.

3. Other Contexts:

  • League Mechanics: Occasionally, specific Path of Exile Leagues might incorporate Flares as elements within their mechanics. Follow the in-game instructions or consult league-specific guides for their usage.


  • Flares are consumable items, so use them strategically.
  • Different flares offer different benefits, so choose the appropriate one based on your needs.
  • Some areas in Path of Exile may have inherent ambient light or limited Flare effectiveness.

I hope this clarifies how to use flares in Path of Exile! If you have a specific type of flare or context in mind, feel free to provide more details for a more precise answer.

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