PoE How To Use Delirium Orbs

Delirium Orbs are potent currency items in Path of Exile that unleash the chaotic and rewarding Delirium mechanic onto your maps. Using them effectively can lead to intense clear speed, juicy loot explosions, and encounters with challenging Delirium bosses. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to wield these orbs of madness:

1. Obtaining Delirium Orbs:

  • Completing Delirium Mirrors: These ethereal portals found in maps, once activated, take you through a brief Delirium encounter. Completing it rewards you with a Delirium Orb.
  • Trading: You can purchase Delirium Orbs from other players through the in-game trade system. Prices fluctuate based on league economy and orb quality.

2. Applying Delirium to Maps:

  • Right-click the Orb on a Map Device: This adds a layer of Delirium to your chosen map. You can stack up to four Orbs for increased difficulty and rewards.
  • Map Mods: Delirium modifiers on maps (e.g., Delirium Mist, Delirium Fog) further intensify the experience.

3. Understanding Delirium Mechanics:

  • Fog and Rewards: A creeping fog blankets the map, gradually expanding. Killing monsters within the fog generates reward progress, unlocking chests and encounters at specific thresholds.
  • Delirium Simulacrum: Upon reaching the final reward threshold, a portal to the Delirium Simulacrum opens. This challenging optional zone offers even greater rewards and bosses.
  • Challenges and Risks: Delirium features mirrored versions of familiar monsters, with increased difficulty and special abilities. Be prepared for a chaotic and potentially deadly experience.

4. Optimizing your Delirium Runs:

  • Fast-clearing Builds: Delirium thrives on speed. Prioritize builds with high clear speed to maximize monster kill count and reward progress.
  • Map Choice: Open maps with good monster density are ideal for efficient Delirium farming. Consider Sextants and map modifiers that further increase monster packs.
  • Defensive Measures: While offense is key, don’t neglect defenses. Delirium’s mirrored monsters can pack a punch, so ensure you have sufficient survivability.

5. Advanced Tactics:

  • Horror Crafting: This crafting mechanic on Delirium Orbs lets you gamble for specific reward types (e.g., Simulacrum Splinters, Scarabs).
  • Vaal Orbs: Using a Vaal Orb on a Delirium Orb creates a unique map with permanent fog and increased rewards, but at the cost of potentially bricking the orb.

Bonus Tips:

  • Check out online guides and videos showcasing effective Delirium farming strategies and builds for inspiration.
  • Consider joining Path of Exile communities and forums to discuss Delirium mechanics, tips, and experiences with other players.

Remember, mastering Delirium takes practice and understanding. Don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks, and keep honing your skills and strategies to unlock the full potential of these potent orbs!

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