PoE How To Use Corrupted Gems

Using corrupted gems in Path of Exile can be a gamble, but it’s also a potential route to immense power. Here’s what you need to know:

What are Corrupted Gems?

  • Gems can be corrupted using Vaal Orbs, which adds a random modifier and removes the ability to use crafting orbs on them.
  • Corrupted gems can have positive outcomes, like increased levels, quality, or powerful unique effects. However, they can also have negative outcomes, like reduced levels or functionality changes.

How to Use Corrupted Gems:

  1. Consider the Risk: Weigh the potential benefits against the risk of losing the gem or getting a negative modifier.
  2. Target Specific Gems: High-level gems with strong base effects are generally better candidates for corruption.
  3. Use Charged Vaal Orbs: These offer a slightly higher chance of positive outcomes compared to regular Vaal Orbs.
  4. Accept the Gamble: Understand that corruption is inherently random, and there’s no guarantee of success.
  5. Alternative Use: If you get a useless corrupted gem, consider using it as a fuel source for the “Vaal Soul Gem” prophecy.


  • Vaal Skill Gems: These gems often have unique and powerful effects when corrupted, making them prime candidates for Vaal Orbs.
  • Support Gems: Some corrupted support gems can offer significant boosts to specific skills, making them worth considering for specific builds.
  • Specific Modifiers: Certain corrupted gem modifiers, like “Vaal Breach” or “Vaal Haste,” can be incredibly valuable for specific builds or strategies.


Remember: Corrupted gems are a powerful tool for experienced players who can handle the risk and understand the potential rewards. If you’re new to the game or risk-averse, it’s generally better to stick with uncorrupted gems.

Feel free to ask any specific questions you might have about corrupted gems, their potential effects, or strategies for using them in different builds! I’m happy to help you delve into the exciting world of Path of Exile’s corrupted gem possibilities.

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