PoE How To Use Awakened Sextant

Mastering the Void: A Guide to Awakened Sextants in Path of Exile

Awakened Sextants are powerful tools in Path of Exile that can dramatically modify your Atlas experience. These consumable items allow you to customize Voidstones, adding specific benefits to maps within their region. Let’s delve into how to effectively utilize Awakened Sextants and unlock their full potential:

Understanding the Basics:

  • Acquisition: Awakened Sextants drop from maps and can be traded with other players.
  • Usage: Right-click the Awakened Sextant, then left-click a Voidstone in your Atlas to apply its modifier. Shift-click to unapply.
  • Charges: Each Awakened Sextant has 3 charges and can be applied to a Voidstone multiple times for increased effect.

Choosing your Modifiers:

The key to using Awakened Sextants effectively lies in selecting the right modifiers for your build and target region. These modifiers fall into various categories, affecting:

  • Map Encounters: Increase the spawn rate of specific encounter types, like strongboxes, shrines, or league mechanics.
  • Monster Properties: Enhance monsters within the region with additional resistances, elemental damage, or other boons.
  • Player Benefits: Grant players bonuses like experience gain, item rarity, or increased chance for map drops.

Strategies for Success:

  • Focus on your Build: Choose modifiers that synergize with your build’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, an elemental caster might focus on increased elemental damage for monsters, while a melee build might prioritize defensive modifiers for themselves.
  • Consider the Region: Adapt your choices to the specific region you’re targeting. For example, if farming Elder’s influence, prioritize Elder-related modifiers like increased chance for Elder Guardians to spawn.
  • Experiment and Combine: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of modifiers. You can create powerful synergy between them, like boosting specific encounter types and then enhancing the rewards they offer.
  • Resource Efficiency: Remember, Awakened Sextants are valuable resources. Use them strategically on high-tier maps and regions where you expect the most benefit.

Additional Tips:

  • Some modifiers can be "blocked" with another Sextant, preventing their negative effects from applying. Research block lists for specific regions to optimize your choices.
  • The Atlas Passive Tree offers nodes that influence Awakened Sextants, like "Enduring Influence" to increase their drop rate.
  • Online resources and community discussions can be invaluable sources of information and inspiration for effective Awakened Sextant strategies.

Remember, mastering Awakened Sextants takes time and practice. But by understanding their mechanics, choosing the right modifiers, and experimenting strategically, you can unlock their full potential and maximize your rewards in the vast Atlas of Path of Exile.

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