PoE How To Make 8 Mod Maps

In Path of Exile (POE), there isn’t a single, direct method to "make" an 8-mod map. However, there are several strategies to significantly increase the chance of acquiring or rolling maps with 8 modifiers (including map tiers, quality, and sextant effects). Here are two popular approaches:

1. Utilizing Scarabs and Sextants:

This method involves using specific consumable items alongside running maps:

  • Gilded Scarabs: These scarabs offer powerful effects when activated in the map device. Look for scarabs with the following benefits:
    • Gilded Legion: Increases the chance of Legion encounters and potentially significant loot explosions.
    • Gilded Ambush: Increases the chance of Ambush encounters, offering additional monsters and potential map drops.
    • Gilded Reliquary: Increases the chance of Reliquary encounters, potentially rewarding valuable currency chests.
  • Corrupted Sextants: These special sextants offer powerful map modifiers when applied to specific regions on your Atlas. Look for sextants that grant additional map drops, increased item quantity/rarity, or pack size to maximize map returns.


  1. Prepare Maps: Choose a tier of map you want to run with 8 mods (ideally Tier 16 for maximum potential).
  2. Activate Scarabs: Place the desired Gilded Scarabs (Legion, Ambush, Reliquary) into the map device slots next to the map.
  3. Apply Sextants: Use Corrupted Sextants on the desired regions of your Atlas that correspond to the map you’re running. Aim for sextants that grant map drops, quantity/rarity, or pack size bonuses.
  4. Run the Map: Complete the map efficiently, focusing on clearing monsters and maximizing your rewards from Legion encounters, Ambush encounters, and potential Reliquary chests.

Important Notes:

  • Scarab and Sextant Costs: Gilded Scarabs and Corrupted Sextants can be expensive, so evaluate the profitability of your chosen map tier before using them extensively.
  • Alternative Scarabs: Consider using Polished Scarabs instead of Gilded for a cheaper option, though they might be slightly less effective.
  • RNG (Random Number Generation): There’s still an element of randomness involved. Even with scarabs and sextants, acquiring an 8-mod map isn’t guaranteed.

2. Buying 8-Mod Maps from Other Players:

This method involves utilizing the player trading system:

  • Trading Platforms: Websites like poe.trade or the official Path of Exile trade website allow you to search for specific items, including 8-mod maps.
  • Currency Exchange: These maps are typically bought using Chaos Orbs or other valuable currency.


  • Guaranteed 8-Mod Maps: This approach ensures you acquire a map with the desired number of modifiers.
  • Targeted Farming: You can search for specific map types with 8 mods to target specific farming goals.


  • Trading Time Investment: Finding and purchasing the desired 8-mod maps can be time-consuming compared to running your own maps.
  • Currency Cost: High-tier 8-mod maps can be expensive, especially for popular farming strategies.

Choosing the Right Method:

The best method depends on your resources, playstyle, and preferences:

  • Scarabs/Sextants (High Investment/High Risk/High Reward): If you have the currency to invest in scarabs and sextants, this approach has the potential for significant rewards but involves risk due to the random nature of map drops.
  • Buying from Players (Low Investment/Low Risk/Moderate Reward): Purchasing 8-mod maps offers guaranteed results and targeted farming but requires trading time and currency investment.

Additional Tips:

  • Map Tiers: Focus on using scarabs and sextants with high-tier maps (Tier 14+) for the best chance of acquiring 8-mod maps.
  • Community Resources: Consult online resources and experienced players for recommendations on scarab and sextant combinations, map farming strategies, and current market prices for 8-mod maps.

By understanding these methods and the associated benefits and drawbacks, you can make informed decisions about how to acquire 8-mod maps in Path of Exile, optimizing your endgame farming and maximizing your potential rewards.

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