PoE How To Apply Exposure

Applying exposure in Path of Exile isn’t a specific action you perform, but rather a consequence of certain skills, gems, and passives. Here’s a breakdown of how your character can inflict exposure on enemies:

1. Skills and Gems:

  • Skills with built-in exposure: Some skills naturally apply exposure to the element they primarily deal damage with. Examples include Scorching Ray (Fire), Wave of Conviction (matching highest damage taken), and Frost Bomb (Cold).
  • Elemental Hit: This versatile attack can be linked with additional elemental damage gems, each of which has a chance to apply exposure to its respective element.
  • Support Gems: Elemental Focus support gem applies exposure to its linked skill’s element with every hit.

2. Passives:

  • Masteries: Specific Masteries for Fire, Cold, and Lightning damage can grant a chance to apply exposure on hit.
  • Ascendancy: Some Ascendancy classes like Elementalist have passives that apply exposure automatically or in specific situations.

3. Items:

  • Unique items: Certain unique items can grant exposure on hit or through other triggered effects.
  • Alternate Quality Gems: Alternate quality versions of some skills may apply exposure as well as their usual effects.

4. Additional Notes:

  • Multiple exposures of the same element don’t stack, only the higher percentage applies.
  • Exposures from different elements can coexist on the same enemy.
  • Skills that set the duration of exposure override default durations.

Remember: Applying exposure is most effective if it aligns with your build’s primary damage element, as it significantly amplifies your damage against exposed enemies. Analyze your skills, gems, and passives to see where you can naturally incorporate exposure into your gameplay and maximize its benefits.

Bonus Tip: Check out online resources like Path of Building to simulate your build’s damage output with and without exposure to see the potential benefit of stacking this powerful debuff.

I hope this clears up any confusion about applying exposure in Path of Exile!

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