PoE Hillock 30% Quality

Hillock, the Blacksmith, from Path of Exile’s Immortal Syndicate, can partially contribute to achieving 30% quality on weapons, but it’s not a guaranteed method. Here’s a breakdown:

Hillock’s Role in Weapon Quality:

  • Rank-based Bonus: Hillock offers a quality increase based on his rank within the Immortal Syndicate safehouse:
    • Rank 1: Increases quality by 24%
    • Rank 2: Increases quality by 26%
    • Rank 3: Increases quality by 28%

Important Points:

  • Limited Contribution: Even at Rank 3, Hillock only reaches 28% quality, falling short of the desired 30%.
  • Unreliable Method: Relying solely on Hillock is not a dependable strategy. Upgrading Hillock’s rank requires specific actions within the Immortal Syndicate system, adding another layer of complexity.

Alternative Methods for Reaching 30% Quality:

  • Beastcrafting Corruption: This recipe guarantees 30% quality, but permanently corrupts the item, potentially destroying its value.
  • Perfect Fossils: Using a resonator with a Perfect Fossil has a chance to reach 30% quality, but also entirely rerolls all existing modifiers on the weapon.


  • Risky Methods: Both Beastcrafting and Perfect Fossils involve significant risks and can potentially destroy valuable crafted weapons.
  • Focus on Alternatives: In most cases, aiming for the standard 20% quality through whetstones or crafting benches is a safer and more achievable goal.

In conclusion:

While Hillock offers a quality increase, it’s not sufficient to directly reach 30% on its own. It’s recommended to prioritize alternative methods like Beastcrafting or Perfect Fossils, but be aware of the inherent risks involved. For a safer approach, aiming for the achievable 20% quality through standard crafting methods might be a better strategy.

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