PoE Hiding UI Elements

Path of Exile offers several options to customize the visibility of UI elements, allowing you to tailor the interface to your preferences and reduce visual clutter. Here’s a guide to those options:

1. Accessing UI Customization:

  • Open the Options menu by pressing Esc or clicking the gear icon in the top-left corner.
  • Navigate to the UI tab to find all UI-related settings.

2. Disabling Specific Elements:

  • Buff icons:
    • Uncheck the box for Show All Buffs to hide less important buffs.
    • Toggle off individual buff icons by clicking the small eye icon next to them in the buff bar.
  • Character info:
    • Uncheck the box for Show Character Information to hide the health/mana/energy globe and experience bar.
  • Minimap:
    • Uncheck the box for Show Minimap.

3. Minimizing Other Elements:

  • Chat box:
    • Adjust the Chat Box Opacity slider to make it less prominent.
  • Alerts and notifications:
    • Consider customizing the Alert Filter to reduce the frequency of certain alerts.

4. Additional Tips:

  • Rebind keys: If you find certain UI elements intrusive, consider rebinding keys to actions that don’t open those elements as frequently.
  • Adjust UI scaling: Although not a direct hiding feature, reducing the UI Scaling slider can make UI elements smaller and less obtrusive.
  • Experiment with different settings: Find a balance that suits your gameplay and visual preferences.

5. Third-Party Tools (Use with Caution):

  • Community-made UI modifications: While not officially supported, some players use third-party tools to create custom UIs with more extensive hiding options. Be aware that these tools could potentially violate game rules or terms of service.

6. Considerations:

  • Potential disadvantages: Hiding UI elements might make it harder to track important information like buffs, debuffs, or health.
  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility needs before hiding elements that provide crucial information.
  • Dynamic UI: Path of Exile’s UI is designed to be informative and adaptive. Evaluate your needs before making significant changes.


  • Experiment with different settings to find what works best for you.
  • Be mindful of potential disadvantages before hiding crucial UI elements.
  • Respect game rules and terms of service when considering third-party tools.

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