PoE Hiding Items On The Ground

Hiding items on the ground in Path of Exile is all about managing your loot filter! Here are a few ways to do it:

1. Using the "Toggle Highlighting" keybind:

This is the simplest method. By default, the keybind for "Toggle Highlighting" is the Z key. Pressing this key will toggle between showing all dropped items and only showing rares and uniques. This is a quick and easy way to hide all the clutter and focus on valuable items.

2. Customizing your loot filter:

A comprehensive loot filter is the powerful tool for hiding unwanted items on the ground. There are many pre-made loot filters available online, or you can create your own using tools like FilterBlade. These filters allow you to specify which tiers of items, bases, and currencies you want to see, hiding everything else. This can significantly improve your visual clarity and avoid wasting time picking up useless items.

3. Utilizing in-game options:

The Options menu has some additional options for managing ground items:

  • General Options: Under the "Gameplay" tab, you can find the option "Hide Filtered Ground Items." This will hide any items that your loot filter has marked as hidden, further reducing visual clutter.
  • UI Options: Under the "UI" tab, you can adjust the "Item Drop Text Size" and "Item Rarity Indicator Size." By making these smaller, you can reduce the amount of text and visual indicators cluttering up the ground.

4. Experimenting with advanced features:

Some advanced loot filters offer features like conditional visibility, where certain items become visible only under specific circumstances. This can be useful for hiding crafting materials or other niche items that you don’t always need to see.

Remember, finding the perfect balance for your loot filter takes time and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try different settings and adjust your filter as your needs change. There are plenty of online resources and communities dedicated to helping you build the perfect loot filter for your playstyle.

I hope this gives you a good overview of how to hide items on the ground in Path of Exile! If you have any further questions or specific needs, feel free to ask. I’m happy to help!

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