PoE Gravebind Magic Find

In Path of Exile (POE), Gravebind Gloves and Magic Find (MF) interact in a unique way, but it’s important to understand the mechanics and potential drawbacks:

Gravebind Gloves:

  • Unique Effect: "Nearby Enemies Killed by anyone count as being Killed by you instead." This grants credit for kills within a 4-meter radius, even if you didn’t deliver the final blow.

Magic Find (MF):

  • Stat: Increases the quantity (number) and rarity (quality) of items dropped by monsters.


  • Indirect Boost: Since Gravebind Gloves grant you kill credit for nearby enemies, you can potentially benefit from increased item quantity and rarity if your party members have high MF.
  • Limited Impact: However, this method is unreliable for maximizing your own MF gains.

Drawbacks and Considerations:

  • Reliance on Others: You depend on your party members having high MF for a significant benefit.
  • Inefficient Farming: Coordinating and relying solely on this strategy for MF farming is impractical and requires specific team compositions.
  • Patch History: In Path of Exile Patch 3.16, mechanics were implemented to limit the effectiveness of abusing Gravebind Gloves for solely boosting MF through party play.

Alternative MF Strategies:

  • Direct MF Gear: Utilize equipment with high inherent MF rolls and utilize currency crafting options to further enhance your own MF stats.
  • Specialized MF Characters: Create a dedicated character specifically focused on maximizing MF and utilize it alongside other characters who can efficiently clear content.

Important Notes:

  • Focus on Core Playstyle: Building a well-rounded character with sufficient damage and survivability is crucial for effective farming.
  • Ethical Considerations: Exploiting mechanics solely for MF gains can be disruptive to regular gameplay and is against the community guidelines.

Here’s a summary:

  • Gravebind Gloves can indirectly benefit from party members with high MF, but it’s an unreliable strategy.
  • Prioritize equipping your character with direct MF gear and explore alternative methods for maximizing your own MF gains.


While the interaction between Gravebind Gloves and MF exists, it’s not a recommended primary strategy. Focus on building a strong character, utilize proper MF gear, and explore established farming methods for optimal results in Path of Exile.

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