PoE Gifts of The Red Queen Compass


Awakened Sextant 1 Your Maps contain 6 additional packs of Corrupted Vaal Monsters
Your Maps have a 50% chance to contain Gifts of the Red Queen per Mortal Fragment used
Your Maps have a 50% chance to contain Gifts of the Sacrificed per Sacrifice Fragment used
3 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [1]
no_monster_packs 0
default 250
Elevated Sextant 1 Your Maps contain 8 additional packs of Corrupted Vaal Monsters
Your Maps have a 50% chance to contain Gifts of the Red Queen per Mortal Fragment used
Your Maps have a 50% chance to contain Gifts of the Sacrificed per Sacrifice Fragment used
15 uses remaining
map extra content weighting [1]
no_monster_packs 0
default 250

That’s a juicy Sextant modifier you’ve got there! It means for every single Mortal Fragment you use to activate a Voidstone, your maps have a 50% chance to spawn a Gift of the Red Queen. Here’s what that entails:

Gift of the Red Queen:

  • Appearance: A unique red Strongbox found in maps.
  • Rewards:
    • Contains high-tier currency, including Chaos Orbs, Exalted Orbs, and Divine Orbs.
    • Can drop valuable divination cards.
    • Has a chance to spawn a Beyond portal.
    • Offers a small chance to drop unique items, including corrupted versions.

With your 50% chance per Mortal Fragment:

  • Using one Mortal Fragment gives you a coin flip for a Gift in your map.
  • Two Fragments = two coin flips, doubling your chances.
  • Three Fragments = triple coin flips, making it very likely to encounter a Gift.

Tips for maximizing your Gift hunting:

  • Stack Mortal Fragments: Use as many as you can afford or farm to activate Voidstones. Remember, each Fragment is a separate 50% chance for a Gift.
  • Run maps with good currency drops: This amplifies the potential rewards from the Gift, especially Chaos Orbs and Exalted Orbs.
  • Consider other Sextant modifiers: Look for Sextants that synergize with Gifts, like "Increased Quantity of Items found in Strongboxes" or "Strongboxes are surrounded by additional monsters."
  • Keep an eye on prices: The value of both Mortal Fragments and the Sextant itself can fluctuate based on market demand. Sell high and buy low for optimal profit.

By strategically using this Sextant modifier, you can turn your map runs into a lucrative treasure hunt. Remember, even though it’s not guaranteed, the potential rewards from Gifts of the Red Queen are definitely worth chasing!

I hope this explanation helps you make the most of your Sextant and fill your pockets with shiny loot!

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