PoE Fastest Weapon

In Path of Exile (POE), determining the absolute "fastest weapon" isn’t straightforward. Weapon attack speed is just one aspect to consider, and overall effectiveness depends on various factors:

Base Weapon Speed:

  • Claws and Daggers: Generally, these weapon types possess the inherent fastest base attack speeds in the game.

Skill Choice:

  • Attack Skills: Specific skills like "Flurry" or "Cyclone" have built-in attack speed bonuses that can significantly increase the overall attack rate, even with slower weapons.

Character Ascendancy and Passive Skills:

  • Ascendancy classes and passive skill tree nodes offer attack speed modifiers that can drastically impact a character’s overall attack rate.

Considering these factors, here’s a breakdown of acquiring a fast-attacking weapon setup in POE:

1. Weapon Base Type:

  • Claws and Daggers: As mentioned earlier, these weapon classes inherently have the fastest base attack speeds. However, their lower base damage compared to other weapon types requires balancing attack speed with sufficient damage output.

2. Weapon Quality:

  • Increased Quality: While not the sole factor, higher weapon quality slightly increases attack speed. Reaching the maximum quality (20% through standard crafting methods) offers a minor attack speed boost.

3. Skill Selection:

  • Attack Skills with Speed Bonuses: Skills like "Flurry" and "Cyclone" have built-in mechanics that significantly increase attack speed. Utilizing these skills can overcome the slower base attack speed of some weapons.

4. Ascendancy and Passive Skills:

  • Specific Ascendancy Classes: Ascendancy classes like "Slayer" or "Berserker" inherently grant increased attack speed and attack damage bonuses.
  • Passive Skill Tree: Investing in passive skills that provide increased attack speed, attack speed per Dexterity, or critical strike chance can significantly enhance your attack rate.

Here’s an example:

  • A character wielding Claws (inherently fast) and using "Flurry" skill (high attack speed bonus) can achieve a very fast attack rate despite the lower base damage of Claws.

Important to Remember:

  • Prioritize Build Synergy: While achieving a high attack speed is desirable for some builds, it’s crucial to consider your overall build strategy. Balancing attack speed with sufficient damage output and survivability is essential.
  • Focus on Gesamtkunstwerk: In German, this translates to "total work of art." It emphasizes that a successful build considers all aspects, not just individual stats like attack speed. Balancing damage, attack speed, survivability, and utility through skills, passives, and gear choices is key to a well-rounded character.

Additional Tips:

  • Consult online resources and build guides created by experienced players for specific recommendations on weapons, skills, and passive skill trees.
  • Experiment with different weapon types and skills to find a playstyle that suits your preferences.

By understanding the interplay between weapon types, skills, character classes, and passive skills, you can create a fast-attacking character in POE without compromising other crucial aspects of your build.

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