PoE Currency Tab Upgrades

There are two main ways to upgrade your PoE Currency Tab: purchasing additional features and buying a different premium tab layout.

Additional Features:

  • Divination Card Display: For 15 points, you can add a section to your Currency Tab that displays your divination cards. This makes it easier to track your progress towards completing sets and identify valuable cards.
  • Fragment Display: For 15 points, you can add a section to your Currency Tab that displays your map fragments. This makes it easier to track your progress towards completing maps and identify valuable fragments.
  • Remove-Only Mode: For 5 points, you can switch your Currency Tab to remove-only mode. This prevents you from accidentally spending or trading away valuable currency.
  • Price Check Enhancements: For 15 points, you can unlock several price check enhancements for your Currency Tab, including the ability to check prices in different leagues and currencies.

Premium Tab Layouts:

  • Currency Tab Pro: This tab features four additional currency display areas, making it ideal for players who collect a large variety of currencies. It costs 60 points.
  • Fragment Tab Pro: This tab features a more detailed layout for displaying map fragments, including information about the maps they can complete. It costs 60 points.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing how to upgrade your Currency Tab:

  • Your playstyle: If you focus on specific activities, like map completion or divination card farming, consider the corresponding Pro tab upgrade.
  • Your budget: Some features are more expensive than others, so choose what you can afford.
  • Your needs: How much currency do you typically collect? Do you need more space or additional features?

Ultimately, the best way to upgrade your Currency Tab is the way that suits your needs and playstyle.

I hope this information helps you decide how to best upgrade your PoE Currency Tab!

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