PoE Corruption Chamber

Sure, here’s what I can tell you about the Corruption Chamber in Path of Exile:

What it is:

The Corruption Chamber is a room encountered within the Temple of Atzoatl, the Incursion mechanic zone. It comes in three tiers:

  • Tier 1: Simply reduces your maximum resistances throughout the Temple.
  • Tier 2: Same as Tier 1, but with a chance to drop additional rewards.
  • Tier 3 (Locus of Corruption): Grants the ability to corrupt an item in your inventory.

What it does:

Corrupting an item is a high-risk, high-reward gamble. It can potentially:

  • Improve the item: Add powerful new modifiers or implicits, significantly boosting its power.
  • Destroy the item: Completely remove it from your inventory, lost forever.
  • Change the item: Reroll its existing modifiers and potentially give it new ones, with no guarantee of improvement.

Upgrading the chamber:

The Corruption Chamber starts at Tier 1 and can be upgraded to its higher forms by completing specific objectives within the Temple.

Things to consider:

  • Corrupting is best for high-end, well-rolled items that you’re willing to risk losing.
  • There are ways to mitigate the risk, such as using Vaal orbs to temporarily "brick" an item before corrupting it, ensuring it won’t be completely destroyed.
  • Consider your build and what kind of modifiers would be beneficial before taking the plunge.

Additional information:

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about the Corruption Chamber or Path of Exile in general.

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