PoE Claw Vs Dagger

In Path of Exile (POE), Claws and Daggers are both viable weapon choices, but they cater to different playstyles and offer distinct advantages and disadvantages:



  • Higher Base Physical Damage: Claws generally have a higher base physical damage compared to daggers. This translates to stronger melee attacks without needing additional investment in modifiers.
  • Life Leech: Claws have inherent access to life leech modifiers on the passive skill tree and through specific claw crafting options. This allows for better survivability during combat.
  • Attack Speed: Some claw builds can achieve very high attack speeds, resulting in faster damage application.


  • Lower Critical Strike Chance: Daggers inherently offer a higher base critical strike chance, making them more favorable for crit-focused builds.
  • Limited Elemental Damage Focus: While elemental damage claws exist, they are generally less common and require more specific crafting compared to daggers.



  • Higher Critical Strike Chance: Daggers boast a naturally higher critical strike chance, making them ideal for builds that focus on dealing critical hits.
  • Greater Access to Elemental Damage: Daggers have easier access to elemental damage modifiers through passive skills and crafting options, allowing for effective elemental builds.
  • More Versatile Weapon Choice: Daggers have a wider variety of unique options available, offering diverse build possibilities.


  • Lower Base Physical Damage: Daggers generally have a lower base physical damage compared to claws, requiring investment in physical damage modifiers to reach comparable levels.
  • Limited Life Leech: Daggers have access to life leech options, but they are generally less prominent compared to claws.

Choosing Between Claws and Daggers:

  • Physical Damage Builds: If focusing on a physical damage build that prioritizes attack speed and survivability, Claws are a strong choice due to their higher base damage and inherent life leech.
  • Critical Strike Builds: Daggers are the preferred option for crit-focused builds due to their naturally higher critical strike chance.
  • Elemental Damage Builds: Daggers offer easier access to elemental damage modifiers, making them more suitable for elemental builds compared to claws.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

Feature Claws Daggers
Base Physical Damage Higher Lower
Critical Strike Chance Lower Higher
Elemental Damage Focus Less Common More Common
Life Leech More Inherent Less Inherent
Build Focus Physical Damage, Attack Speed, Survivability Critical Strike, Elemental Damage

Additional Considerations:

  • Ascendancy Classes: Specific Ascendancy Classes within the Duelist archetype can further enhance the strengths of either Claws or Daggers.
  • Playstyle Preference: Consider your preferred playstyle. Claws might suit a bruiser approach with high attack speed and survivability, while daggers favor a fast-paced critical strike focused playstyle.

Remember: The choice between Claws and Daggers ultimately depends on your desired build and playstyle. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon type and choose the one that best complements your character’s development in Path of Exile.

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