PoE Capture The Flag in PvP

45. Capture the Flag

Capture a Flag in PvP.

In certain modes, characters can fight against each other instead of monsters (Player versus Environment, or PvE).

Setting up a pvp match

Setting up a pvp match against a random player is done simply by clicking on the interesting pvp format, the player will be put in a queue while the matchmaker finds a suitable opponent.

Dueling a certain person or group can be a bit tricky due to the matchmaking system. To smoothly set it up with higher success rate start by

  1. Contacting like minded people, for example from friend lists, chats or forums.
  2. Invite the interested players you want to specifically duel to the same party.
  3. Meet up in the party leaders hideout.
  4. Split the team and create two parties inside the same hideout. Keep in touch with the opponents via the local chat.
  5. Start a pvp match.


Dueling is a 1v1 PvP mode.

  • Right click on another player and select "Challenge to Duel".
  • If they accept, you’ll immediately be teleported to a PvP arena.
  • If you challenge another party, the parties will fight each other.
  • If you challenge someone in your party, only the two of you will fight.

Capture the Flag

Themed around Act 2’s bandit lords who vie for control of the Phrecian Forest, players enter Capture the Flag events in teams and score points by capturing and returning a flag from their enemy’s war camp. Fighting alongside their bandit lord and his followers, teams must carefully plan both their party build composition and strategy for defending their flag while claiming their enemy’s. We are also experimenting with three-way Capture the Flag events (with up to 18 players at once).

Sarn Arena

The Sarn Arena is a free-for-all PVP zone adjacent to the Sarn Encampment. The area is strewn with obstacles and corpses, with an elevated space in the middle that includes a shrine.

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