PoE Blight Encounter Rewards

PoE Blight Rewards

Completing a blighted map or a blight encounter on a regular map will grant many of the following:

Type Typical drops
Random Random assortment of items including armour, weapons and common currency
Blight Oils, small chance for rare oils like Silver Oil, Golden Oil and Blighted Maps
Currency Common currency, can contain Chaos Orbs
Small chance for Exalted Orbs, Exalted Shards, Ancient Shards, Divine Orbs
Harbinger Harbinger’s Orbs, Beachhead map, Small chance for Ancient Orbs & Exalted Shards
Jewelry Rings, Amulets, Jewels, Abyss Jewels and Belts, which may be veiled, fractured, or influenced
Divination Cards 0-4 Stacked Decks, Random cards
Fossils Fossils, Resonators
Map Fragments Scarabs, Sacrifice at Dusk/Dawn/Noon/Midnight,
Offering to the Goddess, Small chance for valuable map fragments
Maps Valuable white and yellow maps (T1 to T10). Small chance for red maps (T11+).
Uniques Low level unique items, small chance for unique maps and valuable uniques like Inspired Learning.
Armour Armour, some of which may be veiled, fractured, 30 quality, or influenced
Weapons Weapons, some of which may be veiled, fractured, 30 quality, or influenced
Abyss Abyss Jewels, Stygian Vise belts
Essences All tiers of Essences, small chance for Deafening Essences or Essence of Horror
Gems Skill gems, which may have levels and quality.
Does not contain Anomalous/Divergent/Awakened/Phantasmal gems
Talismans Corrupted Talismans
Labyrinth Offering to the Goddess, Rare armour that has a Labyrinth Enchantment applied
Metamorph Catalysts for rings & amulets, small chance for valuable Fertile Catalysts and Prismatic Catalysts
Delirium Simulacrum Splinters, Cluster Jewels, Delirium orbs
Breach Breach Splinters, and rarely Breachstones or Empowered Breachstones
Legion Legion Splinters, Incubators
Scarab Scarabs

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Ah, Blight encounters, those frantic battles against encroaching vines and monstrous blobs! But beyond the thrill of survival, they offer tempting rewards that entice even the most hardened Exile. Let’s delve into the treasure trove these Blight encounters hold:

Guaranteed Rewards:

  • Oil: Every Blight encounter rewards at least one Oil, a versatile crafting resource used to enchant rings, amulets, and modify Blighted Maps. The type and tier of Oil depend on the encounter’s difficulty.
  • Blighted Map: With a decent chance, Blight encounters also drop a Blighted Map, offering a specialized challenge with unique rewards tailored for Blight enthusiasts.

Potential Additional Rewards:

  • Currency: Common, Uncommon, and even the occasional Rare currency can drop from Blight encounters, especially from slain bosses and chests. Remember, quantity has a quality all its own!
  • Jewels and Fossils: These valuable crafting materials can be found among the loot, potentially providing powerful upgrades for your equipment or delving endeavors.
  • Divination Cards: Complete sets of these cards grant valuable rewards, from unique items to specific prophecies. Keep your eyes peeled for those shimmering rectangles!
  • Unique Items: While rare, even low-tier Blight encounters have a chance to drop unique items, some of them quite valuable due to their niche applications or crafting potential.

Maximizing Rewards:

  • Chest Hunting: Each blight lane often spawns a chest at the portal. Prioritize clearing lanes to unlock these chests and their additional loot.
  • Blight Skill Investment: Consider focusing on skills that excel at clearing blighted mobs and bosses. Faster completion translates to better rewards.
  • Atlas Passives: Invest in Atlas passives that increase Blight rewards, like additional chests, Oil drop chance, or Blighted Map quality.
  • Map Mods and Sextants: Choose map mods that boost monster quantity or drop chance, and utilize Sextants that offer similar benefits for Blight encounters.


  • Blight Pump Durability: The encounter ends if the pump’s durability reaches zero. Prioritize defending the pump while efficiently clearing mobs to optimize your loot haul.
  • League Mechanics: Leverage synergistic League Mechanics like Legion or Breach within Blight encounters for a potential boost in both monster density and rewards.
  • Community Sharing: Don’t hesitate to explore online guides and communities for specific Blight farming strategies and hidden reward tricks. Knowledge is power in Path of Exile!

May your Blight encounters overflow with oils, maps, and glittering treasures! With cunning and persistence, you shall conquer the verdant battlefields and amass riches beyond compare. Go forth, Exile, and claim your bounty from the grasp of the encroaching vines!

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