PoE Best One Handed Weapon

Due to the complexities of Path of Exile (POE), there’s no single "best" one-handed weapon applicable to every situation. The most effective weapon depends on several factors that tailor to your specific character build and playstyle:

Factors Influencing Weapon Choice:

  • Build Focus:
    • Physical Damage Builds: Prioritize weapons with high base physical damage like Swords, Axes, or Maces.
    • Elemental Damage Builds: Focus on weapons with inherent elemental damage or those that can be easily crafted for specific elements (Fire, Cold, or Lightning). Aim for mods that enhance those elements.
    • Chaos Damage Builds: Look for weapons with high base damage and the potential to be crafted with Chaos DoT (Damage over Time) modifiers.
  • Skill Selection:
    • Certain skills function better with specific weapon types. For instance, "Ground Slam" benefits from the high physical damage of Two-Handed Maces, but wouldn’t be the optimal choice for a one-handed weapon.
  • Unique Weapons: Endgame bosses and specific areas have a higher chance of dropping powerful unique weapons with exceptional stats and modifiers. These can be exceptional choices depending on their unique properties.

Here’s a breakdown of some strong contenders for one-handed weapons based on various build focuses:

  • Physical Damage:
    • Atziri’s Disfavor (Axe): A powerful unique axe with high physical damage and critical strike chance.
    • The Saviour (Sword): Another valuable unique sword ideal for physical damage builds.
  • Elemental Damage:
    • Mjolnir (Hammer): A unique weapon focused on Lightning damage.
    • Void Battery (Staff): While technically a staff, it can be used effectively in a one-handed build focused on Fire damage.

Crafting and Gear:

  • Crafting mechanics using Essences, Orbs, and Foesils can significantly enhance a weapon’s effectiveness by adding valuable prefixes and suffixes.
  • Other gear pieces like helmets, gloves, and amulets can further amplify your chosen damage type or provide beneficial auras.

Resources for Finding Strong One-Handed Weapons:

  • Online Build Guides: Consult online resources and build guides for detailed recommendations on weapon choices and crafting strategies tailored to various builds.
  • Unique Weapon Research: Explore information on powerful unique weapons with properties that complement your build’s focus.

Important Considerations:

  • Focus on Build Synergy: The "best" weapon isn’t just about high damage output. It should synergize well with your skills, passive skills, and overall character development.
  • Gesamtkunstwerk (Total Work of Art): Consider your entire build as a whole, not just individual items. All aspects should work together for optimal performance.


  • There’s no single universally best one-handed weapon in POE.
  • Prioritize a balanced approach: Strive for a balance between weapon damage, attack speed (if applicable), critical strike chance (if applicable), and survivability for an effective character.

By understanding these factors, researching weapon options, and strategically crafting your gear, you can choose the best one-handed weapon that complements your specific build and playstyle in Path of Exile.

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