PoE Behold My Army: Have 60 Minions at the same time

59. Behold My Army

Have 60 Minions at the same time.

Minions are allied monsters summoned by the character. Minions have their own stats, and their actions are treated entirely separately from the summoner.You can gain this achievement by going for a necromancer build.

Gem skill to use:
Raise Zombies
Summon Raging Spirit + Increased Duration/Spell Echo (to be able to cast 20 of them at the same time)
Vaal Summon Skeleton (need to be lvl up a few times)

Raise Spectre/Summon Golem. But the above should be enough

Skill Tree :
Go for all the +1 zombie/skeleton nodes in the skill tree

These passive skills raise the limits for active zombies, skeletons, spectres, or golems.

Name Stats
Death Attunement

+1 to Maximum number of Spectres
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons
Golem Commander

+1 to maximum number of Summoned Golems
40% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems
Lord of the Dead

+1 to Maximum number of Skeletons
+1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies
Minions have 15% increased maximum Life
Minions deal 20% increased Damage

When you have your gems and skill tree setup it will net you:
8 zombies + 20 raging spirit + at least 32 skeletons from Vaal Summon skeletons = 60 minions !

Alternative method :

When playing, you can encounter shrine in the area. Those shrines gives you buff and sometimes the buff will cast Summon Skeleton for you (The shrine will have a skull head on top). This give you some bonus minion for your army but you’ll need to be very lucky to find this kind of shrine and you can’t control the number of skeleton spawned by it.

You can also look for some items that give +1 minion buff but IMO it’s not really worth the effort. The 3 to 5 skills should be enough to have your minion army.

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