PoE Avenging Flame

Avenging Flame

Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec. Cast Time: 1.00 sec. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%.

Launches a fiery projectile high into the air, to drop on a target and deal area damage where it lands.

  • 20% increased Fire Damage
  • Base radius is 18
  • Deals base Fire Damage equal to 137% of Totem's Maximum Life
  • Totems with this Skill Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy

PoE Avenging Flame

Build Guide

Avenging Flame fires a mortar up in the air, which falls down upon a target, and deals area damage where it lands.

PoE Flame Wood Support

Flamewood Support is a support gem that causes totems to fire an Avenging Flame mortar into the air, dealing fire damage in an area around the target that hit it.

Supports skills which summon totems, triggering Avenging Flame when a Totem from Supported Skills is Hit by an Enemy. Avenging Flame fires a mortar up in the air, which falls down upon a target, and deals area damage where it lands.

  • Totems from Supported Skills gain the Avenging Flame
  • Skill and Trigger it when Hit by an Enemy

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