PoE Atlas Planner

When it comes to planning your Atlas in Path of Exile, you have several options:

1. Official Atlas Skill Tree:

  • Integrated into the game: Accessible directly from the Atlas menu within Path of Exile.
  • User-friendly interface: Simple drag-and-drop system for allocating skill points.
  • Limited information: Provides basic info about each skill node but lacks advanced data like drop rates or monster modifiers.

2. PoE Planner:

  • Third-party website: Offers a more comprehensive interface for planning your Atlas Skill Tree.
  • Detailed information: Shows drop rates, monster modifiers, and other stats for each skill node.
  • Filtering and searching: Filter through nodes based on specific criteria or search for keywords.
  • Community sharing: Save and share your builds with other players.

3. Path of Building:

  • Third-party software: Primarily for planning character builds but includes an Atlas Skill Tree section.
  • Integration with character build: Import your character build and see how Atlas Skill Tree choices affect your overall stats and performance.
  • Advanced calculations: Analyze the impact of specific node combinations on your character’s DPS, defenses, and other attributes.

4. Other Resources:

  • Community forums and discussions: Utilize resources like Reddit, the PoE forums, and streamer websites for discussions and guides related to Atlas strategies and skill nodes.
  • Videos and tutorials: Many streamers and content creators offer in-depth videos explaining Atlas mechanics and effective skill tree configurations.

Choosing the best Atlas planner depends on your needs and preferences:

  • New players: Start with the in-game planner for basic familiarity.
  • Casual players: PoE Planner is a good balance between simplicity and information.
  • Hardcore players: Path of Building’s advanced calculations and build integration might be ideal.
  • Community-oriented: Leverage forum discussions and video guides for diverse perspectives and strategies.

Remember: No single planner is perfect. Combine different resources, experiment with different builds and Atlas configurations, and find what works best for you!

I hope this information helps you navigate the world of Atlas planning in Path of Exile!

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