PoE Affliction How Does It Work

Here’s a summary of Affliction’s core mechanics:

  • The Wildwood: Players entered a special sub-zone called the Viridian Wildwood, accessible through portals found in regular maps. The Wildwood had its own set of monsters, bosses, and mechanics.
  • Empowerment Wisps: Three types of Wisps (Wild, Vivid, and Primal) spawned throughout the Wildwood. Interacting with them empowered nearby monsters, increasing their damage, defenses, experience given, and item yield.
  • Strategic Empowerment: Players could choose which monster types to empower based on their desired rewards, focusing on increased item rarity, quantity, or currency drops.
  • Unique Challenges: Affliction featured unique map modifiers, bosses, and encounters that tested players’ skills and adaptation.
  • Wildwood Ascendancies: By completing Affliction challenges, players could earn new Ascendancy options for their chosen character class, further enriching their build possibilities.

Here are some additional details about Affliction:

  • The league emphasized strategic monster engagement, encouraging players to choose which enemies to empower for specific rewards.
  • The Wildwood’s unique modifiers and encounters added variety and challenge to the Path of Exile experience.
  • The Wildwood Ascendancies were a novel reward system that offered exciting build customization options.

While Affliction is no longer an active league, its mechanics and features might return in some form in the future. Understanding these core elements can be helpful for planning future builds or simply appreciating the innovative design of past leagues.

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