PoE Affliction Divine Ire

Advantages of Divine Ire in Affliction:

  • High Single-Target Damage: Channeling to full stacks unleashes a potent beam with significant scaling potential, ideal for bursting down Affliction’s tough bosses.
  • Area Coverage: The beam has decent base width, especially at max stacks, allowing you to clear groups of Affliction mobs and adds effectively.
  • Elemental Synergy: Divine Ire benefits from both physical and lightning damage modifiers, potentially synergizing with Affliction’s thematic focus on elemental weaknesses and curses.
  • Totem Viability: Utilizing Spell Totem Support allows you to safely channel and fire the beam through dangerous Affliction mechanics and attacks.

Challenges to Consider:

  • Channeling Vulnerability: Standing still while channeling leaves you exposed to Affliction’s heavy-hitting enemies and their potentially deadly effects.
  • Mana Sustain: Channeling can be mana-intensive, requiring proper mana management and investment in regeneration or cost reduction.
  • Limited Mobility: Channeling restricts your movement, potentially hindering dodging mechanics and boss phases in Affliction encounters.

Optimizing Divine Ire for Affliction:

  • Invest in Defenses: Prioritize survivability through mitigation, movement skills, and strategic totem placement to counter Affliction’s offensive threats.
  • Mana Management: Utilize mana regeneration sources, cost reduction modifiers, and efficient channeling for sustained attacks.
  • Elemental Scaling: Focus on both physical and lightning damage boosts via supports, passives, and gear to maximize beam damage.
  • Totem Considerations: Utilizing totems can enhance safety and potentially bypass certain Affliction mechanics, though it might sacrifice some control and flexibility.


Divine Ire can be a potent tool for tackling Affliction, but requires careful planning and investment in survivability and mana management. Consider your build strengths and weaknesses, prioritize strategic positioning and mitigation, and adapt your playstyle to overcome the challenges of channeling in a dangerous environment.

To offer more specific advice, I’d love to hear more about your Divine Ire build and approach to Affliction. For example, what are your key damage sources and defensive measures, how do you plan to manage channeling during boss fights, and are you considering totems? With more details, I can provide tailored recommendations to maximize your Divine Ire potential in the Affliction league.

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