PoE 70% increased effect flask

A 70% increased effect flask in Path of Exile can offer a significant boost to the benefits it normally applies. However, to understand its full impact, we need more information:

1. What type of flask is it?

Different flasks have different base effects. Knowing the type (e.g., quicksilver, granite, diamond) will help determine how the increased effect translates.

2. What specific effect does it offer?

Some flasks provide buffs like movement speed, damage reduction, mana regeneration, etc. Knowing the effect allows us to analyze the impact of a 70% increase.

3. In what context are you considering using it?

Is it for general gameplay, specific boss encounters, or something else? This helps assess the value of the increased effect based on your needs.

4. Is it a crafted enchantment or a unique flask?

Crafted enchantments have limitations like "Gains no Charges during Effect". Unique flasks have fixed stats and cannot be altered.

Once you provide this information, I can offer a more detailed explanation of the 70% increased effect and its potential benefits in the context of your gameplay.

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