PoE 2023 Retrospectives

2023 has been an amazing year for Path of Exile, with ExileCon 2023 being held in New Zealand, as well as reveals of Path of Exile 2 along with three full expansions for Path of Exile 1! Check out some of the statistics below, as we take a moment to look back at this eventful year.

PoE 2023 Retrospectives

In 2023:

  • We launched three expansions: Crucible, The Trial of the Ancestors and Affliction
  • We broke last year’s concurrent player record of 270,260 with 321,180 players!
  • We teased the Sorceress in Path of Exile 2 at Summer Game Fest, then the Monk at the PC Gaming Show shortly after that.
  • We held ExileCon 2023, where players from around the world came to New Zealand to celebrate all things Path of Exile.
  • We announced that Path of Exile 2 will be a separate game from Path of Exile 1, each with their own cycles.
  • We flew to Germany to attend Gamescom, then to Seattle for PAX West to show off the Druid in Path of Exile 2.
  • We revealed the Mercenary and announced WASD movement for Path of Exile 2.
  • We revamped Breach and Abyss, overhauling how they work and changing almost every Breach and Abyss Unique Item.
  • We introduced an auto-battler style game mechanic in Trial of the Ancestors.
  • We introduced Tattoos and Omens into the game.
  • We added the Forbidden Sanctum into the core game!
  • We changed the Chaos Orb stack size from 10 to 20.
  • We introduced some QoL to trades, such as holding Alt to see the total currency added to the trade window, and being able to split currency stacks while in a trade.
  • We temporarily brought back the Lake of Kalandra and Recombinators in our Blast from the Past event.
  •  Eben learned how to pronounce "attributes".
  • Tane vanished from the Atlas. I wonder, is Tane still sane?
  • We finally brought back Ultimatum!
  • We’ve continued to finetune the balance of the Ruthless game mode.
  • We held our very first Ruthless Solo Self-Found Boss Kill Event, with playlifee claiming first place and designing the Replica Dragonfang’s Flight Unique Amulet as a result.
  • We held another Boss Kill Event after that, with none other than Ben claiming first prize.
  • We overhauled the Saboteur, Pathfinder, Chieftain and Guardian Ascendancies, giving them new tools to build around.
  • We added both the Voidborne Reliquary Key and Valdo’s Puzzle Box to the game, letting supporters leave their mark in Path of Exile.
  • We updated Path of Exile’s distance units to work with the Metric system.
  • We introduced three new alternate Ascendancies in Affliction.
  • We overhauled Skill Gems, giving a heaping ton of them one or more Transfigured versions, enabling more builds and ways to play.
  • With the removal of Alternate Gems, we overhauled Heist and buffed all the Heist Base items, like the Simplex Amulet.
  • We (kinda) buffed Cleave’s radius to +0.1 metres to per 3 Rage.
  • We posted news 371 times, with a first time temporary news break before ExileCon 2023.
  • We posted approximately 3401 lines of Patch Notes, across 85 patches and hotfixes. We also posted approximately 1898 lines of Patch Notes on Console.
  • And finally, we sold 185,132 Weta Pets!

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2023: A Year of Exile Exhilaration!

2023 was a year that Path of Exile fans won’t forget in a hurry. It was a year packed with exciting content, both for Path of Exile 1 and the highly anticipated Path of Exile 2. Let’s take a look back at some of the key highlights:

ExileCon 2023: The second official Path of Exile convention took place in Auckland, New Zealand, in July. Over 1400 exiles from around the world gathered to celebrate all things Path of Exile, with hundreds of thousands more joining online. The event featured developer talks, gameplay demonstrations, community panels, and even a Path of Exile card game tournament.

Path of Exile 1 Thrives: While all eyes were on Path of Exile 2, the original game received no less love in 2023. Three major expansions were released: Crucible, The Trial of the Ancestors, and Affliction. Each expansion introduced new challenges, areas, and mechanics, keeping the veteran player base engaged and excited.

Path of Exile 2 Takes Shape: 2023 was the year that Path of Exile 2 truly stepped into the spotlight. The game was officially revealed at Summer Game Fest, with subsequent teasers showcasing the new Sorceress and Monk classes, as well as the revamped graphics and environments. At ExileCon, Grinding Gear Games confirmed that Path of Exile 2 will be a separate game with its own development cycle, ensuring that both games continue to receive dedicated attention.

Breaking Records: Path of Exile’s popularity continued to soar in 2023. The game broke its concurrent player record in July, reaching a staggering 321,180 players. This surge was likely fueled by the excitement surrounding ExileCon and the continued release of fresh content for Path of Exile 1.

Looking Ahead: With Path of Exile 2 still in development, 2024 promises to be another exciting year for the game. Grinding Gear Games has already teased some upcoming features, including the Druid class and the WASD movement system. Additionally, players can expect more expansions and updates for Path of Exile 1.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a curious newcomer, there’s no doubt that Path of Exile is a game that keeps on giving. 2023 was a year that solidified the game’s position as one of the best free-to-play ARPGs on the market, and 2024 promises to be even bigger and better.

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