PoE 2 totem – Path of Exile 2

Here’s what we know so far about totems in Path of Exile 2:

Continued Presence: Similar to Path of Exile 1, totems will likely remain a viable playstyle option in Path of Exile 2. They’ll function as stationary allies that deal damage or provide utility based on the linked skill gem.

Potential for New Skills: With the introduction of new content and mechanics, there’s a possibility of encountering entirely new totem-based skills or variations of existing ones.

Interaction with Dual Specialization: Path of Exile 2’s core feature, Dual Wielding with distinct skill specializations, presents interesting options for totem builds. You could potentially:

  • Focus one weapon set on totem skills: This would allow you to specialize in powerful totem setups, potentially using auras or support gems to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Maintain a hybrid approach: One weapon set could focus on totem skills, while the other offers direct combat abilities for situations where totems aren’t ideal.

Drawing from Path of Exile 1:

  • Existing Totem Skills: Skills like Ancestral Warchief, Flame Totem, and Summon Stone Golem are likely to return, potentially with adjustments or balancing.
  • Passive Skill Tree and Gear: Specific passive nodes and gear pieces will likely remain crucial for enhancing totem functionality, such as increasing their damage, survivability, or deployment speed.

Limited Information:

Due to the game being in development, comprehensive guides or in-depth information specifically focused on Path of Exile 2 totems are unavailable.

Staying Updated:

  • Official Path of Exile 2 Website: https://pathofexile2.com/ While specifics are limited, the website might reveal more details about totem functionality closer to release.
  • Developer Updates: Keep an eye on Path of Exile 2’s official channels for announcements and potential gameplay footage showcasing totem mechanics.
  • Content Creators: As the release approaches, content creators who specialize in Path of Exile totem builds might start creating content based on information from the beta testing phase.

Additional Considerations:

  • Potential Changes: Totem mechanics might undergo adjustments or receive balancing changes compared to Path of Exile 1.
  • New Ascendancy Classes: The introduction of new Ascendancy Classes in Path of Exile 2 might offer unique options specifically tailored towards totem builds.


While details are still emerging, totems are expected to remain a substantial playstyle choice in Path of Exile 2. The new Dual Specialization system opens doors for innovative totem-focused character concepts. Stay tuned to official channels and content creators for the latest information as the game’s release draws closer.

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