PoE 2 Power Gaps Between Players – Path of Exile 2

According to the video, the developers acknowledge that power creep exists in Path of Exile 1 (POE 1) and will likely exist in POE 2 as well. This is due to two factors:

  • Players becoming increasingly skilled at the game and finding more powerful builds.
  • The developers themselves adding new content and mechanics that are inherently more powerful.

The developers mention that power creep will likely exist in Path of Exile 2 (POE 2) due to players continuously finding new ways to optimize their builds. This will make the game challenging as players will constantly be pushing the boundaries.

Here’s a specific example from the video:

"like people learning to understand like optimizing and optimizing and optimizing understanding how all of that stuff works to a degree that they can now do the kind of things that they can do…as well as us just adding stuff like it isn’t entirely just power creep on our end it’s power creep on the players learning the game better too."

The developers believe that the introduction of entirely new mechanics and skills in POE 2 will lead to a temporary reset in the power level. However, they expect players to eventually discover new and powerful builds, bringing the power level back up.

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