PoE 2 Mana Reservation – Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 is still under development, and specifics about mechanics like Mana Reservation aren’t fully revealed. However, drawing on Path of Exile 1 and information from the developers, here’s what you can expect:

Core Functionality: Mana Reservation will likely function similarly to Path of Exile 1. A portion of your maximum mana pool will be reserved to maintain the effects of active Auras, Herald skills, and certain skills with ongoing effects.

Potential Adjustments:

  • Balance Changes: Mana reservation costs for skills might be adjusted to fit the new game’s balance and the introduction of new skills.
  • Interaction with Dual Wielding: Path of Exile 2’s Dual Specialization introduces a unique approach to character builds. You could potentially:
    • Focus one weapon set on auras and support gems: This would allow efficient mana reservation for a strong set of auras to buff your character and potentially linked totems or minions.
    • Maintain a hybrid approach: One set could focus on auras and support gems, while the other offers direct combat abilities that don’t require mana reservation.

Similarities to Path of Exile 1:

  • Reducing Mana Reservation: Methods to reduce your overall mana reservation costs, such as passive skill nodes, specific gear affixes, and jewels, will likely be present.
  • Monitoring Mana Pool: Managing your remaining unreserved mana will remain crucial for casting your core abilities.

Limited Resources:

  • Due to the game being in development, comprehensive guides solely focused on Path of Exile 2 Mana Reservation are unavailable.

Staying Updated:

  • Official Path of Exile 2 Website: https://pathofexile2.com/ While specifics are scarce, the website might reveal more details about Mana Reservation mechanics closer to release.
  • Developer Updates: Keep an eye on Path of Exile 2’s official channels for announcements and potential gameplay footage showcasing mana management.
  • Content Creators: As the release approaches, Path of Exile content creators might create content based on information from the beta testing phase, potentially including strategies for managing mana reservation.

Additional Considerations:

  • New Mechanics: Path of Exile 2 might introduce new mechanics that interact with mana reservation, requiring adjustments to your approach.
  • Mana Efficiency: Balancing your mana reservation with sufficient mana for core skills will likely remain a key aspect of character building.


While details are still emerging, Mana Reservation is expected to function as a core mechanic in Path of Exile 2. The new Dual Specialization system offers interesting possibilities for managing your mana pool and strategically utilizing auras and skills. Stay tuned to official channels and content creators for the latest information as the game’s release approaches.

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