PoE 2 Influences – Path of Exile 2

According to the interview with the game director, Jonathan Rogers, influences for Path of Exile 2 (POE 2) come from various sources:

  • Non-action RPGs: In general, Rogers finds inspiration from outside the action RPG genre for a fresh perspective.
  • Competitor analysis: PoE 2 responds to the features introduced by competing action RPGs. An example mentioned is the improved trade system in Last Epoch, which raised the bar for the genre.
  • Internal innovation: The development team also has its own creative ideas and doesn’t solely rely on mimicking competitors. They strive to make improvements based on their understanding of what makes a good game.

Specifically, Rogers mentioned that while Path of Exile 1 (POE 1) was influenced by the announcement of Diablo 4, the core reason for developing PoE 2 was due to a decline in the player base of PoE 1.

Here’s a specific example from the interview:

"Last Epoch… they did all their trade stuff and it was kind of like at that point it’s like okay like we’ve reached a point now where an arpg can’t really have the trade system that we had before we have to do better right…"

In this instance, PoE 2 needed to improve the trade system to stay competitive with the newly introduced system in Last Epoch.

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